
Find room for Angelonia Angelface series in gardens

By Eddie Smith MSU Extension Service On a recent visit to the Mississippi State University South Mississippi Branch ...


State’s new alligator man provides program update

State’s new alligator man provides program update By Hunter Cloud The Daily Leader Alligator program coordinator Andrew Arnett ...


Native Turk’s Cap is a good perennial for today’s gardens

By Eddie Smith MSU Extension Service I have fond memories of walking daily as a kid past my ...


Gardening is putting one foot in front of the other

By Felder Rushing Gardening Columnist Savvy gardeners are as philosophical as we are one-and-done task managers. We find ...


Waikiki Colocasia elephant ear brings tropical beauty

By Eddie Smith MSU Extension Service Adding a tropical feel to your garden is like creating a lush ...


Yellow-flowering perennials add cheerfulness to gardens

By Eddie Smith MSU Extension Service Yellow-flowering plants have always captivated me with their bright, cheerful hues. They ...


Fishing license data reported for state

Fishing license data reported for state News Release Captain Experiences, a fishing and hunting guide reservation platform, has ...


Live and learn all over again

By Felder Rushing Gardening Columnist Once again, I got drawn into deep research on what turned out to ...


Rose of Sharon hibiscus is pretty pass-along plant

By Eddie Smith MSU Extension Service There is a type of plant treasured for its ability to be ...

Batesville News

Give these no-fuss plants more consideration

By Felder Rushing Gardening Columnist Cacti and succulents can be polarizing to gardeners who immediately think of thorns ...

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