Satirical comedy never intended as documentary

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 10, 2016

Satirical comedy never intended as documentary

Singing was interrupted briefly during worship at a local church last Sunday as they sang that wonderful hymn, “It Is Well With My Soul.”
And all was well with the first stanzas and through the first lines of the last stanza: “And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll:”
But when they got to the next line: “The Trump shall resound …” several started giggling and it spread down the row.
Nothing to do with the foregoing, but I am increasingly reminded of “Idiocracy,” the 2006 Mike Judge-directed movie about two people selected for a futuristic military hibernation experiment who are forgotten and remain in that state for 500 years. They are awakened to a dystopian society significantly dumbed down from dysgenics.
Anti-intellectualism, advertising and commercialism are rampant. Ideas of social justice and human decency have been mostly discarded. Intellectual curiosity is absent. Idiocracy was a failure at the box office, received limited critical acclaim and has attracted a cult following. It’s crass, often vulgar and was initially billed as a satirical science fiction comedy.
But as events have played out since its 2006 release, the movie has, as someone has observed before me, turned into a documentary of these times.

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