Bond issue will build new wing for ninth grade 4/24/2015
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 24, 2015
By Rupert Howell
A $4.6 million bond issue was approved during Tuesday’s meeting of the South Panola School board of trustees along with the employment of Bailey Architecture Education.
The issue passed unanimously with Superintendent Tim Wilder stating that he has heard nothing but overwhelming support for the project.
Wilder said details would be forthcoming on the project once the architect is involved but mentioned that 20 to 22 classrooms and a counselor’s office would be added to a new wing at the high school.
Bailey has worked in over two-thirds of Mississippi’s school districts and has designed over one billion dollars worth of schools, according to their website.
Asked if trustees would be informed of costs and changes on different aspects of the issue such as the high school building, the road and athletic building, Wilder assured trustee Buddy Gray the board would be kept abreast of all the projects’ cost and changes.
Trustees approved improving a road at from Highway 51 at Watt Street east toward the Batesville Middle School last year, but the project’s details did not get finalized during last year’s paving season.
Wilder also drew attention to the district’s maintenance budget stating that it was $300,000 less than the previous year.
Stating the decrease was be design during a budget time crunch, “You do pay a price for not being proactive (with maintenance), and we could use 3-mill note money (funds from the bond issue) if (maintenance) issues arise later.”
The bond issue will be funded by extending a current three-mill levy that is set to expire in 2018 for an additional 10 years meaning taxpayers should not realize an increase because of the new issue.
School trustees approved teacher salaries that include $1,000 across the board raise authorized by the Mississippi Legislature earlier this year and discussed increasing subsidies to assistant teachers.
Starting salaries for first year teachers with an A certificate is $35,640 and those with a AAAA certificate with 35 years experience would receive $68,620. Those totals include a $1,250 supplement provided with local funds.
A motion to increase assistant teachers’ salaries was made, then tabled until next month when administrators will have comparative subsidy amounts from surrounding districts to compare.
The recommendation called for providing an additional $500 per year for assistant teachers with 1-15 years experience and $1,000 for those with 16 or more. Currenly beginning assistant teachers begin at $14,000 annually.
Trustees also approved the 2015-16 school calendar which has students beginning school August 6 and ending school May 25, 2016.
Wilder stated that two weather days were built into the calendar as well as the Monday following Easter that could be used as a makeup day should the area have a repeat of the type of winter experienced this year.
School officials are applying for another Century 21 Grant, this time for high school students. A similar grant is used by lower grades for additional instruction and cultural enrichment.
If the application is approved, Wilder explained the grant would be used for tutorial, ACT preparatory and after school programs.
South Panola trustees meet the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Child Development Center on College Street in Batesville. July’s meeting has been changed from the third Tuesday to Tuesday, July 28.