School board approves funding for repaving road 10/3/2014

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 3, 2014

School board approves funding for repaving road

By Rupert Howell
School trustees for the South Panola District reviewed a proposed student conduct policy change and approved authorizing funds to partner with the City of Batesville and Panola County to pave a street leading to Batesville Middle School and the Field House Parking lot during a special meeting Wednesday.

The proposed change to the student conduct policy would give students refusing to give up electronic devices three days of in-school suspension instead of 10 days under current policy.
That policy includes cellphones, MP3 players, iPods, etc. which are not to be used in school. With the first offense the student receives a verbal warning and the parent must pick up the phone between hours of 3:30 and 4 p.m.

The second offense may include corporal punishment or one day in school suspension and again the parent must pick up the phone. The third and subsequent offenses bring a three-day in school suspension.

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The proposed change does not change the policy’s punishment except for when students refuse to surrender their phones.

Both Panola County and the City of Batesville have voted to assist with paving the road across Highway 51 that runs east and west between Dunlap Stadium and Batesville Lions Club past Batesville Middle School up to South Panola High School.

The city and county had already approved spending up to $10,000 for paving the section of the road up to the field house that included the parking lot.

Superintendent Tim Wilder received approval to extend the school’s participation to pave beyond the field house beside the Middle School.

Attorney Ryan Revere was instructed to handle legal procedures that would allow the additional expenditure.

Trustees went into executive session closing the door to the public to discuss hiring a hearing officer and also to be “updated” on pending litigation by Revere.

Trustees will hold their regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m., Tues