Bonnie Burkley letter to editor 8/15/2014

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 15, 2014

Christ preached at Liberty Hill says writer concerned about monastery coverage

With humility, I write this letter to let the good people at The Panolian know that I, like the two ladies who wrote before, have concerns about coverage you give to the monks’ monastery!

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We have good Christian churches in Panola County who preach Jesus every Sunday. I, like the two others, have stood by too long and looked over what I should stand and proclaim: “Jesus Christ is my Savior and only through Him can I be saved and spend eternity in Heaven with God.

We, as Christians, have given away so much and let our silence speak volumes! 

My husband and I worship at Liberty Hill Baptist Church where Bro. Derrick Simmons gives the words from the Holy Bible every Sunday, Sunday night and Wednesday night, Sunday School at 10 a.m., worship at 11 a.m., Wednesday night 6 p.m.

Please come. All who feel empty and searching — the Spirit of the Living God as you enter our building will overwhelm you! 

If not Liberty Hill, go to any church that preaches Jesus. They are here. Find one and stand proudly for what Jesus did for you by shedding His blood on an Old, Rugged Cross.

This man, Jesus, will come again. I do not want to say to Him, “Lord, I’m sorry I did not do what you said to take your message to lost people.”

I want to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

We welcome The Panolian to our church and God bless all readers.

Bonnie Burkley
