Board authorizes land auction, road notes 4/8/2014

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Board authorizes land auction, road notes

By Rupert Howell
Panola supervisors voted to allow the state to auction property unclaimed and heard a report on borrowing $1.2 million in notes for road and bridge construction, maintenance and repair during Monday’s First District monthly meeting in Sardis.

Supervisors also voted to take bids on nine of the county’s dump trucks and four trucks used by the solid waste department at the meeting.

Property proposed to be auctioned by the Secretary of State’s office would be small parcels that have not had taxes paid over the years that are turned over to the state.

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County Administrator Kelley Magee said the proposal would allow an adjacent property owner to purchase the parcel at an affordable rate and maintain it or allow someone to purchase several small lots and use them as a large lot.

She said the auction would probably be held online with aerial photographs and descriptions available at the courthouses.

Attorney Bill McKenzie explained that a legal notice is being published asking for bids on interest amounts for the $1.2 million to be used on Panola County Roads.

Similar notes are issued  at intervals to help fund major repair or renovations to county roads and bridges with the principal being paid back over an extended period—five years for this cause.

Trucks to be bid are late models, most 2011 or newer, that can be sold at a premium when the market for them is up. The county’s dump trucks are 2012 while the solid waste department trucks are 2011 with high miles according to Magee.

Supervisors also approved several travel requests for county employees seeking training or certification during Monday’s meet as well as part and full time jailers at the Sheriff’s Department.

Harold Lewis will serve as part-time deputy while Billy Twilley was approved as part time jailer. Dustin Watts  was hired as full time jailer while Wade Meek is moving from full time jailer to part time.

Attorney McKenzie sought and received a go-ahead to settle a right-of-way claim with the Jenkins family for a parcel on Old Panola Road in the amount of $1,500.

A bid for a bob-truck from  Tri-State Trucks in the amount of $62,483.33 was taken under advisement until Road Manager Lygunnah Bean studies the amount.