Batesville Municipal Court 1/25/13

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 25, 2013

Throwing hair care implements draws fine in municipal court

By Emily Williams

Judge Bill McKenzie found a woman guilty of disorderly conduct-interfering with a business after she admitted to throwing a hair dryer at a store employee.

Latoya Fondren, 20 Earnestine Turner, Sardis, loudly gave her testimony to the court, saying the affiant, Sarritta Cauthen, came to her place of work, It’s Fashion, on November 1.

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“She made me lose my job,” Fondren said.

Cauthen testified she had a shirt on hold at It’s Fashion. She said when she picked it up that day Fondren was rude to her.

Cauthen said she did not know Fondren before the incident.

Cauthen testified that Fondren later came to Cauthen’s place of employment, Sally’s, and started throwing flat irons and other items at her.

Witness Patricia Blankenship told the judge she was walking into Sally’s, a beauty supply store, when she saw Fondren throwing the items at Cauthen. She testified she didn’t know the defendant nor the affiant.

Fondren was fined $315. She had a malicious mischief charge dismissed after the affiant, Dennis Nelson, failed to appear to prosecute.

Other cases
Tiffany B. Market, 2018-F Cotton Plant, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to disorderly conduct. She was fined $315.

Quinterrious Smith, 114 Ozbirn, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to indecent exposure. He was fined $215 with credit for the three days he spent in jail awaiting trial.

Candace Webster,  112 Gore, Batesville, had a simple assault charge dismissed.

Stanley McMiller Jr., 155 MLK, Batesville, had a case for domestic violence-simple assault withdrawn after the affiant, LaDisha Smith, requested to withdraw it.

Antonio L. Johnson,  211 Noble St., Batesville, entered a not guilty plea to domestic violence-simple assault. A trial was set for February 6.

He also had old fines of $548.75 that have been due since October 15, 2010. The judge told him to have his fines paid before his trial date or serve time in jail.

Anthony Harris, 211 Vance St., Batesville, was fined $931 for false information and no driver’s license. He also had old fines of $889 that have been due since June 23, 2012.

He was assigned the city’s work program for 32 days to satisfy his new and old fines.

Monica Banks,  505 State St., Clarksdale, was found guilty of shoplifting but no fine was imposed.

Fleno McGhee, 164 Audrey St., Courtland, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting a Play Station 2 Game, “Mortal Combat,” worth $20, from Wal-Mart. He was fined $1,133.

John Cotton Jr.,  406 8th St., Lambert, had a case for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest dismissed after testimony.

Patrick Wells,  605 Third St., Marks, also had a case for disorderly conduct dismissed.

Both defendants, Cotton and Wells, testified that they were leaving a fashion show /after party at the Civic Center when some men they didn’t know jumped them as they were walking to their vehicles.

Officer Daniel Chandler and Sgt. Justin Maples testified they were at the Civic Center for peacekeeping that night when they saw a fight. They didn’t know what caused the fight or how it started but they did agree the defendants told them the same story when they were arrested.

“I accept your explanation that you guys were jumped. The police did what they were supposed to do. I suggest y’all avoid after parties,” the judge said.

A case was dismissed for Nina Webster, 214 Tubbs, Batesville, on charges of domestic violence-simple assault.

Kayla R. Kimble, 1661 CR 232, Oakland, was found not guilty of no proof of insurance after she provided she had proof.

Gillian L. McMinn, 1413 Anthony Rd., Pope, had a case for no tag continued.

Chavis J. Morrow, 335 Locke St., Marks, was fined $817 for no tag and no proof of insurance.