Bill Cosby letter
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 26, 2012
Letter to the editor
The people of Mississippi need to take a long, hard look at all the candidates currently serving. Bennie Thompson supports raising your taxes and helped pass the “Obamacare” tax. This tax will take more money out of workers and retirees pockets than anyone knows.
Some businesses are already replacing full-time employees with part-time employees in order to avoid this tax.
Thompson and Obama don’t want you to know how much this is going to cost you. They have attempted to cover this up by setting the effective date to begin in 2014. Don’t think this is just a coincidence. They knew they would not be re-elected if it took effect before the elections.
They also did not want you to know about the billions of dollars cut from Medicare to help fund this new “health care panel.” This panel will make a decision as to whether or not you will receive coverage. What if you need heart surgery? Will they allow you to be covered?
Bennie Thompson supports this health care for you, but he excluded himself and all the other representatives in Washington. He turns a deaf ear to people he represents. He supports whatever benefits him or the Democratic Party.
He demonstrated this again when he asked Eric Holder to prevent the Mississippi voter identification requirement. This shows his support for illegal voters. Voter identification does not prevent any legally registered voter from voting. It will prevent anyone from voting in your name, or people that vote in more than one name and it will stop people from voting for the deceased. I believe that he supports voter fraud and increasing your taxes? Do you want to keep someone like this making decisions for you?
Since Obama took office the gas prices have doubled and our debt to other countries has increased by six trillion dollars in just four years. Obama, Thompson and the Democratic Party is out of touch with the American people.
Bennie Thompson, Barrack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton along with every other representative have brought this great nation to its knees.
If we allow them to stay, we may not be a nation in four years! They have not listened to what we need and want, but they will listen to your vote. At election time, they will tell you anything to get your vote, then turn their back on us.
I hope that our young voters (college students) will look at what has happened to our country. Look at the increased cost of living (that’s food, clothing and other necessities) in just these four years!
If the candidate has a good record, then he will not have to attack every statement made by his opponent. Don’t listen to these slick talking, no action candidates. We have better choices.
Billy Cosby