American Legion

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 4, 2010

Red Sox win while Yanks and A’s tie

By Brad Greer

Chance Whitten blasted a two-run homer and a double to help guide the Batesville Red Sox to a 7-3 verdict over the Royals Monday night in American Legion baseball action.

Cody Harbour added a pair of doubles while Tyler Beard and Clay Harbour each added a double in the victory. Jesse Pearson registered a single in the win. The Royals collected three hits in the contest as Hunter Ivy had a pair of singles and Taylor Karr added a single in the loss.

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The second game of the night proved to be a barn-burner as the Yankees and A’s battled to a 4-4 tie after seven innings. The game was called after the two-hour time limit expired.

The Yankees had a chance to win the game in the bottom of the seventh with two outs and the bases loaded only to have Landon Fullilove ground out to end the threat.

The A’s tied the game in the top of the sixth on a pair of RBI singles by Scotty Daughtery and Nathan Simmerman. Parker Jones got the rally started by reaching on a one-out walk off Yankee reliever Deon Mix then later scored on Daughtery’s single.

Trailing 2-0 in the bottom of the fourth, the Yankees scored three unearned runs on two outs as Chase Coker’s routine fly ball was dropped allowing three runs to cross the plate. The Yankees increased their lead to 4-2 in the fifth as J. J. Kilpatrick led off with a walk and later scored on a Fullilove single.

Blake Darby got the start on the hill for the Yankees and pitched two innings before giving way to Mix who struck out seven and walked three while giving up four hits and four runs, two of which were unearned.

Will Daughtery pitched a solid five innings for the A’s before being relived by Ridge Simmerman who worked the final two innings. Daughtery surrendered one earned run on two hits while fanning six and walking four. Simmerman meanwhile gave up one hit and struck out one while issuing two free passes.

Scotty Daughtery led the A’s at the plate with a double and single while Parker Jones, Simmerman and Austin Smith added singles. Clayton Sibley, Fullilove and Darby all singled for the Yankees.