Martin letter to editor

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 9, 2010

Letter to the editor

Crowder citizens says ‘nothing left to do but sell and move’

I live in the town of Crowder. I talked my children into buying their homes in Crowder, because the people in Crowder are so friendly. The town is quiet and peaceful. I would love for my grandchildren to grow up here and then raise the family here, but but now I’m ready to sell and move away from here.

My husband was born and raised here. I am from California but fell in love with this place. Now it is sad that I want to move, but with the people that work in the City Hall who would want to stay? They run the whole town. I don’t know why we have a mayor. Nobody in the city hall wants our town to get any better. If they don’t like you they talk about you. And that’s not right, because they are the ones paying them women’s bills.

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I have a beer store right outside of Crowder. They told me on a Monday that I have to put a water meter down by Friday. So I go Friday and pay the deposit for them to put it down. They told my daughter it will be Monday. I called up there and asked why they told me to have it done by Friday, the women in city hall told me to “shut the f— up” and hung up on me. We have always dreaded going to the city hall to pay our water bill, but we have to have water.

Half the time you need to go they are closed. They never get to work on time, and they close early. I had to ask five years ago could they put me up two sign stating deaf child on my road because my granddaughter is deaf and almost got ran over. I have not seen them yet. I even offered to pay for them. We don’t need them now because she is 15 years old, and she knows about watching now. Now, if they need something done, they get it done right away.

My daughter owns a place and she’s been needing a ditch and culvert done. They can’t read her water meter because it’s under water but they charge her the same amount every month. We have had the water off for two months fixing water pipes that had broke, her bill is still the same and they have not done the work. So there is nothing left to do but sell and move, because things will not get any better with people like that running our town.

Concerned Citizen,
Barbara Martin