Biden’s Vaccination Mandate Shows us the Limits of Our Own Freedom

Published 5:41 pm Sunday, May 22, 2022

By Lofton Gray

President Biden’s newest vaccination mandate commands that nearly every American healthcare worker as well as nearly every federal employee receive the COVID-19 vaccination. The mandate also dictates that OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Administration) require all American businesses with over 100 employees to have a fully vaccinated workforce, with exceptions for religious or health reasons. In total, this mandate affects over 100 million American workers in the public and private sector.

The Federal government certainly has the legal right to require vaccination of its employees (it has around 4 million of them), and it may very well be that the vaccine is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19. However, the problem lies within the fact that 4 million Americans must now either vaccinate or lose their jobs, and millions of other American business owners must now either comply with the federal mandate and force their employees to vaccinate against their will or face severe punishment from the Federal Government.

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The Federal Government has grossly exceeded their bounds (if you can imagine the Federal Government doing such a thing) by using their regulatory power through OSHA to place immense pressure on American businesses and private citizens to get the vaccine at the threat of monetary penalties or even potentially forcing the businesses to shut down. Many of you in the business world are likely very familiar with the strict regulations and harsh penalties associated with OSHA standards. Now, on account of the Biden administration, you can add mandatory employee vaccinations to that list of federal guidelines you must adhere to.

The only legal alternative would be to lay off workers to get under that 100-employee threshold. One might wonder, how many Americans will lose their jobs outright as a result of this mandate? Who would have ever imagined that in the land of the free you are not allowed to operate a small business without subjecting yourself and your employees to a government mandated vaccine that you may or not be receiving of your free will. What could be more antithetical to freedom than this? The federal government is saying to the private citizen that it is the ultimate authority what does and does not go into of your body.

It is shameful, and it is not freedom. Surely the founders never imagined that we would need a Constitutional amendment that guaranteed you that the government would not use its seemingly infinite power to genetically modify your DNA with a forced vaccination. How could they? Obviously, in any nation that claims to be a nation of truly free people, mandatory vaccinations cannot exist. The two ideas are mutually exclusive and there is simply no conceivable way that someone could be in favor of mandatory vaccinations and at the same time truly value liberty.

Many believe the vaccine to be safe, and it may very well be, but how free is someone really if they are not allowed to make the distinction between what they will and won’t allow to be injected into their own body? In case you were wondering what the limits of your own freedom are in Biden’s America, now you know.