Hood Letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 21, 2008

To The Editor:

As November 4th fast approaches I am struck by the language of people declaring they are life long Democrats or Rebublicans, they are for this and against that, and draw the reason why they will vote for either McCain or Obama.

The one topic I don’t see addressed is: how will you vote as a Christian? Because when this world is over, it won’t matter if you’re Republican or Democrat, but you will be measured by only one thing; are you a Christian or NOT.

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Based upon my Christian values I see a stark difference between the two men. One candidate is 1) heavily pro abortion– even voting against a measure to give aid to a baby that survives, 2) wants to provide even more federal money for abortions, 3) is for same sex marriage, and 4) has mocked the Bible and those that read it (See youtube.com if you don’t believe me.)

Regardless of race, I believe this election provides a real difference in who to vote for. Because be sure of one thing, you can’t leave God in the car and vote against His values. I believe 50 million murders have done enough damage to our country. Before all of you want to quote Matthew 7:1-6 to me just remember, I’m not the one judging!

Steven Hood
