Vaughn family escapes safely when tree falls
Published 9:01 am Saturday, January 11, 2020
Two Batesville women narrowly escaped injury early this morning when a tree was toppled onto their home on Field St.
The Vaughn family has lived at 120 Field for many years, and the grandmother and a daughter were sleeping when high winds blew the large oak onto the front of the house. They called 911 and fire and police were dispatched at 5:09 a.m.
Both of the Vaughns were helped to safety (the grandmother is bedridden) quickly and suffered no harm, other than the obvious trauma.
A grandson was on the scene this morning and reported both women are in good condition. He and neighbors praised the BFD and BPD for their quick response to the call.
Daniel Cole, coordinator of Emergency Operations for Panola County, reported widespread wind damage throughout Panola County, although the worst seems to be in the east-central portion of the county with trees down from Shiloh Rd. north and east to John Branch Rd.
Updates will be posted later in the day as more photos become available.
Officials are asking everyone to stay in their houses and off the roads if travel is not necessary this morning. Specially, they say, people riding the roads just to look at downed power lines and trees interferes with the initial assessment and early cleanup efforts.
Readers may send any photos of damages they have seen to