Sardis adopts tower contract

Published 4:48 pm Monday, November 26, 2018

By Myra Bean

The Sardis Mayor and Board of Aldermen agreed to spend close to a million dollars over the next 15 years to renovate and maintain the two water towers that service the Town of Sardis.

In a 4-1 vote at the special called meeting Tuesday afternoon, under parent company Suez, Utility Service Co., Inc. was awarded the 15-year limited maintenance contract for $968,640.

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Alderman JoJo Still said he opposed the contract because there are other companies out there and he wanted to hear what they may have to say.

The Board was considering voting on the issue at its last meeting, but Town Maintenance Manager Quinn West said there was another company that wanted to present a contract.

West said he knew some of the Aldermen wanted to hear and see other options and that is why he asked for a special meeting to hear them.

The board also heard from Tank Pro and Southern Corrosion.

The first three years of the project will include renovating, sandblasting, repainting and removing the leaded paint on and in both of the tanks. The company will be responsible for containing the lead flow during removal.

Each job will take about four to six weeks for sandblasting the inside and another 10 to 14 days for curing.

Utility Services representative Tracy Fearnley presented his firm’s case for the third time Tuesday night. He said that both tanks are beyond the stage of just sandblasting and putting on a coat of paint.

Still said he thinks the town can do its own maintenance instead of signing a long contract.

Fearnley countered with his team are professionals and Sardis would be putting an untrained person on that tank who would get hurt or worse.

West said the cost to purchase a new tank would be nearly $1 million.

Other items:

  • David Evans was not at the meeting about the walking trail. He sent a report that they received no bids for laying asphalt. Mayor Lula Palmer said they will wait and rebid in the spring as asphalt companies are preparing to shut down production for the winter.
  • The board adopted the resolution for Mississippi Municipal Government Week in January after the holidays. The board needs to decide what they want to do that week.
  • The board approved the FCC Resolution to provide free cable to the library and school.
  • The board members as individuals agreed to adopt a child from the Angel Tree program from the local school.
  • Barring another special meeting, the City Board will have its regular monthly meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 4 at 5 p.m.