Headlines – 9/28/2004

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Panolian Headlines: September 28, 2004

For complete stories, pick up the 9/28/04  issue of The Panolian
Partnership After Hours Mixer
A huge crowd of friends and business associates attended the Panola Partnership After Hours Mixer on Thursday, September 23, held at the new location of Smith, Phillips, Mitchell & Scott.

Principal attorneys for the firm, Richard T. Phillips, Colmon Mitchell, and Briggs Smith are in the midst of the crowd picture, taken from the second level of the new building, located at 695 Shamrock Drive, adjacent to the Batesville Post Office.

City Leaders Debate
     Funding of Springfest
By Jason C. Mattox
News Editor


A show of appreciation for funding from representatives of the Panola Partnership and the Batesville Main Street program ended up with a stern exchange between two of the city’s aldermen.

"We want to thank the city for its continued show of support," Partnership president Leonard Morris said. "We would like to request that we keep this organization as a budget item in the coming years."

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When asked by Partnership CEO about questions the aldermen might have had about funding, Alderman James Yelton was the first to speak up.

"I asked for the financial information to know what we spent on Springfest and I have gotten those," he said. "When that thing started, we were only supposed to support it for three years.

"After that time frame the festival was supposed to be self-sufficient," Yelton added. "Now we give $20,000 and you get money from sponsors and it doesn’t even get out of the hole."

According to figures from City Hall, Springfest generated profits of $1,607.44 in 2002, $1,918.26 in 2003 and $1,087.09 this year.

In addition to the $20,000 budget provided by the city, the organization generated $12,872.60 in sponsorships. The total income was $50,682.81 against total expenses of $49,595.72.

"From what I see in the figures, you even lost money on T-shirt sales this year," Yelton said.
The cost of printing the Springfest T-shirts for 2004 was $9,876.11. Sales generated $8,832 leaving a loss of $1,044.11.

After hearing the financial information for Springfest, Alderman Bobbie Jean Pounders said she hoped the success of the festival would not jeopardize funding for the Panola Partnership as a whole.

"I am hoping that we will in no way hurt the funding of Main Street or the partnership just because of Springfest," she said.

"I never said anything about the partnership or Main Street," Yelton replied. "But I saw what was spent on entertainers for the festival and the amount of money being made.

"I don’t think we should be giving that kind of support to Springfest when there are other things we can spend that money on," he said.

Texas Men Caught with Drugs
     on I-55
JACKSON – Two Texas men were charged today after being caught with nearly 70 pounds of marijuana.

"I was working the stack (intersection of I-55 & I-20) and this blue car came whizzing by," said Trooper First Class John Terrell. "Noticed the car had illegal tint and stopped it."

Terrell, whose been a Trooper for six years, asked for permission to search the vehicle and after getting consent to search the 2004 Suzuki, Terrell found the illegal payload.

"Something just did not add up. I could tell this was more than a simple traffic stop after talking to the driver and he acted suspiciously," Terrell added.

The driver and passenger have been charged with possession of more than five kilograms of marijuana, which is punishable by a maximum 30 year prison sentence and fine of up to $1 million.

Arrested were the driver, Anthony Wayne Hutching and the passenger, Ennis Earl Thomas, II. Both of the accused are 23-years-old and from Houston, Texas.

The stop was made in the eastbound lane of I-20 near the Jackson International Airport exit around 11 a.m. Hutching and Thomas are scheduled to make an initial appearance in Rankin County Circuit Court tomorrow.

"Granted our Troopers are trained to enforce the rules of the road, but they are also trained to look for other illegal activities," said MHP Chief, Colonel Marvin Curtis Jr.

"We continue to do the best we can with the resources that are available and plan to ask the legislature to fund a cadet class next year so that we can better protect our citizens."

Homecoming Queens
Anna Aldridge was crowned North Delta’s 2004 Homecoming Queen Friday night. Headmaster Herman Coats tied the cape around her shoulders while her father, Mickey Aldridge looked on.

She was crowned by Sadie Broome, not pictured, student council vice president.  Last year’s queen Lindsay Thomas was out of town and unable to attend the festivities.

April Flowers was crowned South Panola 2004 Homecoming queen by last year’s queen Tiffany McKinney Friday night. She was escorted by Marlon Nash.
Kroger Offering Flu Vaccinations
Beginning Friday, October 1 through Friday, October 15, Kroger Pharmacy will be providing influenza vaccinations scheduling multiple locations per day at designated times, dates and locations.

If someone is interested in taking advantage of the flu shot being offered by the Kroger Pharmacies, all they need to do is stop by or call their neighborhood store to see when the flu shot will be available in their area.

Things You Should Know
     About the Flu:
You have the power to beat the flu. When you have chronic medical conditions, the influenza virus can be serious business. Get the facts you need about vaccination.

Your chronic medical conditions can place you in a high-risk group. If you have a chronic condition, the last thing you want is the flu. If you have a chronic medical condition, ask about getting a flu vaccination.

Vaccinations now can help protect you from the painful symptoms of influenza. Feeling healthy over 50 doesn’t mean you are not at risk for the flu. Actually, being 50+ increases your risk for contracting the flu and having serious complications.

Reduce Influenza and it’s potential complications. This year about 114,000 persons will have influenza-related hospitalizations. An average of 36,000 Americans die every year from flu-related illnesses. The combination of all forms of pneumonia with all forms of influenza is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Influenza is costly with total indirect costs of influenza as much as $12-$14 billion annually.

The Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Family Physicians recommend vaccination for these high-risk populations:

Everyone 50 years of age and older.
People of all ages that suffer from chronic medical conditions like diabetes, mellitus, kidney diseases, and blood cell diseases like sickle cell anemia.
Adults who have chronic disorders of the pulmonary or cardiovascular systems, including asthma.
Adults who have required regular medical follow-up or hospitalization during the preceding year because of chronic metabolic diseases, including diabetes mellitus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Women who will be in the second or third trimester of pregnancy during the influenza season.
Influenza or "the flu" affects 10-20% of Americans each year. Over 36,000 people die every year from the flu, and 90% of these deaths are in those 65 and older.

Flu and pneumonia shots save lives. Anyone 50 years of age or older, or those suffering from chronic diseases like asthma or diabetes should receive a flu shot each year during flu season (Oct.-March).

Pneumonia shots can be given anytime during the year. Be sure to get your flu and pneumonia shot at participating Kroger Pharmacies. "It’s the ADULT thing to do!"