Trustee brought skills, honed diplomacy as member of SP board

Published 11:38 am Friday, December 16, 2016

Trustee brought skills, honed diplomacy as member of SP board

By Rupert Howell
Managing Editor

Too seldom nowadays does an elected official step back and not seek re-election unless tainted by scandal, loss of confidence or age considerations.
Buddy Gray is being the exception.
Gray was elected five years ago to serve as school board trustee in a position long held by his wife, Sarah Dale.
During his last official meeting Tuesday Gray thanked fellow board members and apologized if he offended any while serving and encouraged them to push forward.
Gray was not one to go-along just because that was what the majority was doing. He would vote nay and explain why.
When he first took office he wanted to make drastic changes but soon learned that change on the rotating board that allows one of five members to be elected each year, came through process and rarely on a whim.
Gray was soon working with fellow board members and change did come in the form of priorities, personnel and facilities during those short five years.
Gray was involved with changes in leadership, building new facilities while supporting getting the most from each dollar spent, the latter being his area of expertise.
While thanking the citizen/public-servant for his service Superintendent Tim Wilder asked who is going to find a “thirty-seven cent mistake,” referring to Gray’s ability to survey monthly reports with millions in expenditures and find the most minute difference.
South Panola School District will move forward but Trustee Buddy Gray will be missed.

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