Congregations of alligators and armies of frogs

Published 12:30 pm Thursday, October 3, 2024

Congregations of alligators and armies of frogs
By Donna Traywick
Mt. Olivet News
Batesville Public Library had its first Annual Mississippi Writers Conference on
Saturday. I was amazed at the number of Mississippi writers that were there. I think the
count was 17.
There were tables set up for each writer to display their books. Some writers had written
a large number of books that were on display. I was impressed that some of them were
their own illustrators as well.
After we had visited each table and met each writer then purchased some of the books,
we were invited to a question and answer time.
I learned a lot for my children’s books, The Purple Tractor series. One main thing that I
learned was if you are a writer, write something every day. One writer who writes a lot of
articles for the Christian book “Chicken Soup for The Soul” suggested that we pray each
time before we write. That is a good suggestion before we start any project.
Alex recently went on the alligator hunt that he and some of his buddies always take
during alligator season. I definitely pray that they come back with all their limbs. I was
curious as to what you call a group of alligators. After checking with Google, it’s called a
Some other strange names for groups of animals and fish I found so amazing. Some
were: a murder of crows, and a scurry of squirrels – because they are solitary creatures.
A group of turtles is called a bale, the female lays the eggs in a nest they had dug in the
sand and goes off and leaves them. Magically they hatch. The more I learn about
nature, the more I am amazed at God’s creation.
A group of owls is called a parliament. A group of hummingbirds is called a charm. A
group of frogs is called an army. A group of ducks is sometimes called a flock, but a
group of geese is called a gaggle.
The list can go on and on as most animals will congregate in groups from time to time.

Ponder this: The greatest use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it. Leave
a legacy. (William James, 1935).
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