Quinn Minute – Life expectancy

Published 1:00 pm Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Quinn Minute – Life expectancy
By Rix Quinn
Is there any proven way to improve life expectancy?
Personally, I’d like to make it to 100. Each year I try to eliminate one bad
habit, and now I have none. That’s depressing.
The average life expectancy in the U.S. today is 77.2 years. So, if you’re an
average person who’s 77.1, schedule that annual physical real soon.
Here’s something weird: the older you get, the longer you might live. If
you’re 75 right now, you can expect to live 11.5 more years if you avoid
high-risk behavior.
For instance, driving a big car is low risk. Trying to lift one is outrageously
high risk.
Did you know women outlive men by five years? I told this to my wife, and
she found it both comforting and amusing.
Why the longevity difference? I interviewed several women, who said, “ It’s
because we’re smarter.” When I asked guys the same question, they said
the dead men “were just looking for a way to get out of the house.”
Way back in 1900, the average life expectancy was only 47.3 years. Then
folks decided that expiring before 50 was a stupid career move, so they
started taking better care of themselves.
Last week I read about a lady over 100 who said a long life comes from
“working hard, eating vegetables, and thinking clean thoughts.”
Thus far, I’ve followed 66% of that advice.

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