Workshops set for Operation Christmas Child

Published 5:00 pm Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Workshops set for Operation Christmas Child
Staff Report
The Samaritan’s Purse project, Operation Christmas Child, collects
shoebox gifts filled with fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items
and delivers them to children in need around the world to demonstrate
God’s love in a tangible way.
For many of these children, the gift-filled shoebox is the first gift they
have ever received.
Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas
project of its kind, has collected and delivered more than 220 million
shoebox gifts to children in more than 170 countries and territories.
More than 11.3 million shoebox gifts were collected globally in 2023,
10 million from the US alone. In 2024, Operation Christmas Child
hopes to collect enough shoeboxes to reach another 12 million
Each child who receives a shoebox has the opportunity to participate in
the 12-lesson discipleship course, The Greatest Journey. More than
20.2 million boys and girls have made decisions for Christ.
Anyone interested in learning more or already packing shoeboxes,
please join one or all of the upcoming Operation Christmas Child
workshops in your area.
Workshops will be held soon.
It will be a time of fun, fellowship and learning. There will be
refreshments, door prizes, and shoebox giveaways along with new

Sept. 7 – Charleston First Methodist – 10 am
Sept. 9 – First Baptist Church Lambert – 6 pm
Sept. 14 – First Baptist Church Grenada – 10 am
Sept. 21 – College Hill Heights Baptist Church Oxford – 10 am
Sept. 21 – Oakhurst Baptist Clarksdale – 9 am
Sept. 28 – First Baptist Church Bruce – 10 am
Oct. 5 – First Baptist Church Water Valley – 9:30 am
Also, everyone is invited to First Baptist Church Batesville on Sept. 22
at 3 pm to hear speaker Deanne Dildy who went on a distribution of
shoeboxes this summer.
National Collection Week is fast approaching, November 18-25.

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