Batesville Fire Dept. Call Log

Published 10:27 am Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Batesville Fire Dept.
Call Log
Aug. 20
Shamrock Dr., 58 year old female with difficulty breathing.
Ozbirn St., 52 year old male has difficulty breathing and stomach pain, also stated he is hot.
Allred Road, county requesting assistance, automatic fire alarm.
Boothe St., 78 year old male has weakness and low blood pressure.
I-55 southbound, near Eureka Road overpass, grass fire.
Cracker Barrel Dr., Big Delta Honda, fire alarm, no contact with keyholder.
Aug. 21
Hwy. 51S, Skyline Motel, 32 year old male has problems with his breathing machine.
Dogwood Lane, automatic fire alarm, no contact with keyholder.
Patterson St., automatic fire alarm.
Vick St., 87 year old female has fallen.
Hadorn Rd., 77 year old male with a seizure, LIfeguard has been toned.
Aug. 22
Hwy. 6W, Jiffy #4, female subject has blood pressure issue, Lifeguard has been toned.
Lakewood Dr., Cracker Barrel, male subject is unresponsive and not breathing.
Boothe St., 49 year old female has complications from knee surgery.
Aug. 23
Batesville Dr., 79 year old female has fallen, possible broken hip.
Lester St., 68 year old female has shortness of breath.
Aug. 24
I-55 southbound, near Eureka Rd., two vehicle accident with possible injuries, county deputies
are on scene and BPD officers are responding.
Boothe St., 49 year old female has fallen, recently had knee surgery.

Hwy. 35N, Love’s Travel Stop, subject with swollen leg is sitting behind the store.
Aug. 25
Lester St., 38 year old female with high blood pressure.
Boothe St., 56 year old male shaking and has chest pain.
Eureka St., Batesville Presbyterian Church, 47 year old female has fallen, possible broken
Panola Ave., two story house on fire, possibly 100 percent.
Hwy. 51S, Skyline Motel, 44 year old male has a medical emergency, Lifeguard has been
Aug. 26
Armstrong St., 83 year old female wheezing, home health nurses are on scene.
Eureka St., 67 year old female with difficulty breathing.
Trantham Rd., 52 year old female with a medical alarm notification. (Declined by the Fire Dept.
because it originated outside the city limits).

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