Better Parks, Better City -investing in the future with upgrades

Published 2:33 am Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A months long project to upgrade Patton Lane Park is nearing completion, and regular visitors are enjoying the rehab work approved by the City Board and undertaken by the Parks and Recreation department.

“One of the first things the board told us at the first of this year was to focus on repairs to our parks, and come up with additions that would keep our community parks popular with families,” said Heath Fullilove, who heads the parks department. “We resurfaced tennis courts and added LED lights at Trussell, and then focused on more play areas, more sidewalks, and a pavilion at Patton Lane.”

Fullilove said the next additions were updated playground equipment and basketball court improvements. New LED fixtures were installed, and the courts were double sealed and resurfaced.

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“This was a group effort to get these improvements for sure,” Fullilove said. “The mayor and board had to approve the funds, which were not cheap, and the county supervisors allowed some inmates to volunteer to help. It took a lot of work, but the park is something the city can be proud of.”

Late last year the board approved an upgrade for the ballpark at Patton Lane, spending more than $15,000 for professional grading and construction of a new infield, complete with a special mix of dirt, sand, and clay designed for maximum drainage.

Mayor Hal Ferrell said the improvements at both Trussell and Patton Lane Parks are bright spots for the city, and vital to moving the city forward.

“In case you haven’t noticed, our parks are getting long-overdue facelifts.  Patton Lane is getting a new surface on the basketball courts, new playground equipment and a covered patio area,” he said. “At Trussell street lights will be installed and new playground equipment.  American Legion has been having increased activities and use.  Pickleball and other activities will be added.”

Security has been improved and added for all parks, Ferrell said, a first for the city. In the past the parks have been patrolled by police, but were often left hours without attention from law enforcement. Now, all city parks are watched by security several nights each week and always during peak times.

“Panola County Supervisor Cole Flint has provided inmate labor on tasks, and the city is on course to expand and improve recreation for our youth and adults in Batesville,” Ferrell said. “I am encouraged with the direction we are traveling.”