Maybe the Chinese will steal the preacher’s story
Published 8:04 am Wednesday, February 1, 2023
By Ricky Swindle
Muffler Shop Musings
Howdy, friends!
I’m coming up in the world, and after years of fighting it off I have finally joined in with the App society features on my I-Phone, to a certain degree.
My wife and daughters have introduced me to the nonsense TikTok app. It took me a minute to catch on and I’m still not a master of it, but I’m learning.
My female kin have sent me TikTok videos that are humorous no doubt so I have ventured out on my own.
They had to educate me on the process of how to block out certain things that I don’t care to see. I’m not a fan of the pimple popping crowd as that mess just grosses me out to a high degree.
There’s a lot of music videos of old time music shows that I enjoy viewing on the app. George Jones, Merle Haggard, Buck Owens and all the old Country music stars, and also Howling Wolf, Muddy Waters, Etta James and the likes to soothe the Blues side of my taste.
All in the palm of my hand to watch whenever I get the urge.
They have preachers galore on that App like Jimmy Swaggart, Billy Graham and dozens more who some I’ve never heard of before.
This one guy on the app the other day, told a story I thought would interest the readers of this old ragged column.
He told of a poor widow woman who had too much month left for her money and how she was out of food and her power had been shut off.
With every window open in her home to keep it cool, she prayed “Lord please help me. I have no lights, I have no food. Without a blessing from you I will not last many more days”.
The next day she woke up to find her lights back on and she loudly prayed “God did it, God did it, God did it!”
She opens her door to find enough groceries on her porch to last several months and again she praised The Lord exclaiming, “God did it, God did it, God did it!”
Then her neighbor appeared and told her “I heard you praying last night to a God that doesn’t exist. I’m an atheist and I bought all this food and had your lights turned back on just to prove to you your God is non-existent. God didn’t do this, I did”.
The old woman, through tearful eyes, raised up and looked him straight in the face. With a voice of joy she exclaimed “God did it, God did it, God did it! Praise the Lord!”
They say the Chinese are stealing app users’ information. Maybe a few of them stole that preacher’s story, too.
Take care of yourself folks and check on your neighbors. God may be asking you to help them too.