What if Satan sent you a poem to read?

Published 8:29 am Wednesday, November 24, 2021

New Enon Community 

By Mary Murphy

The following poem is one I received by email:

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I Want Your Children

I have come to visit your children

And I’m pleased with what I see

They abuse all kinds of drugs

And are getting drunk with me


They live as in Sodom and Gomorrah

Their minds perverse and blown

I will claim their souls anytime now

You shouldn’t have left them alone


I’m glad you worked long hours

I’m glad you were busy a lot

It would have been hard to sway them

If you also hadn’t been using pot


At your school I have been at work

Making sex an acceptable game

You slept while I fought to keep prayer out

To add to your neglectful shame


You don’t see to notice the witchcraft

I brought on your own TV

It’s just an innocent program

Twitch your nose as they follow me


Add a couple violent sitcoms

It’s funny to see heads blow in two

Now your little Tommy has his own gun

And there’s nothing you can do


They’re mine and you can’t reach them

Their hearts are cold, hard, and black

I’ve showed them how to party

With pot, cocaine, and crack

You have been a tremendous help though

I couldn’t have done it alone

If you hadn’t forsook your prayer life

These seeds I could not have sown


So stay away from Bible teaching

Don’t listen to what God has to say

Your children are no longer your problem

A price they’ll eternally pay


Without Christ they are mine to devour

Without God nothing you can do

Today I will take your children

Tomorrow I will be coming for you




I challenge you, my brothers and sisters, to bring calm to your innermost self. Don’t let the devil rise because he is ever present in your spirit.

Joy brings gladness and a smile to your face. Pair your pick up to your get up. Lazy days, lazy nights bring the breeze into a song, a sign that misgivings are everywhere.