New Flag Raised at Coles Point FD

Published 12:46 pm Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Several members of the Coles Point Volunteer Fire Department and community met Friday, April 16, for the dedication and official raising of the American Flag, on the new pole recently installed. The original was torn down years ago by a out-of-control vehicle, and a new pole with flag was donated by Cary and Gary Staton. The Coles Point FD has 14 active members, and operates a fire engine, a brush truck for smaller fires, a 3,000 gallon tanker truck, and a squad truck for medical calls and to haul water. Jackie Allen is fire chief and Danny Holley is assistant chief. Pictured are (front, from left) Constable Dennis Darby, Doris Wheatley, Cary Staton with dog Rocky, Gary Staton, Jerry Barrett, Barb Holley, (second row) Bill Furniss, James Wheatley, Danny Holley, Austin Allen, Carolyn Fulghum, (back) Bro. Wayne Papania, Donald Wright, Wayne Baker, Martha Nichols, and Chuck Nichols. (Jeremy Weldon)

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