Wilson and Taylor Russell with their Snow Woman in the Black Jack community.
Brittany Hendrix,Cameron Grace Hendrix, Miles Roberts, Teresa Lloyd, Mary Magee, and Mathis Roberts.
D’Marion Pegues, Martravion Flowers, Aiden Pegues, Khloe Pegues, Kameron Pegues, Karter Pegues, and Kashmiere Wheatley built this snowman on Pegues Circle.
Autumn Fos (front), Gabriel Hendrix (middle) and Travis Fos having fun in east Panola County.
Dawson and Mason Howell couldn’t get enough of sledding in the snow.
Sybil and Rylee Draper with their dog Romi and a cute little snowman.
Emma Jean Aven enjoyed being a real life Snow Princess.
Eli and Emilia Claire Aven on Coleburn Dr. in Batesville.
Pam Comer in the Union community sent this photo of Sealy with the snow lady they built.
Gabrielle Russo said snow is for big kids, too.
Sisters Allie and Katie Beth Capwell from the Shuford area in Pope were dared to make snow angels in their swimsuits for $20, and jumped at the chance to earn easy money.
A lamp post on the Square illuminates the falling snow.
Myanna Ruth Self and the beautiful snow.
Rylan Clair Hughes with her friend.
Debbie Shearer sent in the photo of her snorkel snow woman
Ava Vest and Haven Chambers built Larry the Snowman in Batesville
Sadie Overall and Kati Overall sledding