FBC honors retiring minister of music

Published 6:59 am Wednesday, September 16, 2020



Family on hand for last Saturday’s event at FBC to honor the retiring minister of music included (from left) Bro. Mark, his wife Gale, their son Brian and his wife and daughter, Stephanie and Lyndi. Some pastors from the church at the event included (from left) Associate Pastor John Howell Jr., Children’s Pastor Kyle Brassell, Bro. Mark. and Senior Pastor Dr. Tommy Snyder. (Glennie Pou)


Bro. Mark Jones this past Sunday, Sept. 13, led his last worship service at First Baptist Church in Batesville.

He is retiring after serving at FBC for 13 years as part of his 40-plus years of music ministry. His family was on hand last Saturday, Sept. 12, when the church had a “parade of well wishers” drive through the church portico area to say goodbye to their beloved music minister.

During the worship service on Sunday, Bro. Mark and Gale were presented a plaque and a  book of memories by Senior Pastor Dr. Tommy Snyder.

Cutline: Family on hand for last Saturday’s event at FBC to honor the retiring minister of music included (from left) Bro. Mark, his wife Gale, their son Brian and his wife and daughter, Stephanie and Lyndi. In the photo on Page 1, some pastors from the church at the event included (from left) Associate Pastor John Howell Jr., Children’s Pastor Kyle Brassell, Bro. Mark. and Senior Pastor Dr. Tommy Synder. (Glennie Pou)