Upcoming Events (April 19th, 2019)

Published 11:48 am Friday, April 19, 2019

April 19

United Fellowship M.B. Church, 236 Highway 6 West, Batesville will have  singing Hymnals of the Cross with the seven sayings on the cross, Friday, April 19 noon to 1 p.m. Everyone is invited to come and worship. Pastor is Jeffery K. McMullen.

April 20

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Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church on Hwy. 315 will have a special service with members from the 1950s and 60s. All are invited to see old friends and make new friends. Bring a dish of your choice for this wonderful time of fellowship from 11 a.m to 2 p.m. It’s a gathering of current and former members that all will enjoy.

The Women of  The Truth Church will sponsor a We Saw Him First Conference at 10 a.m.  Theme is “Renewing Your Mind and Spirit” and guest Speaker is  Evangelist Tammy Tubbs of Peter’s Rock Church of God In Christ. Everyone is invited to come and have a glorious time. V.L. McDowell is the pastor.

Are you searching for your church family? Come join New Beginnings Community Church for worship. Services are each Sunday morning at 9 a.m. and each Wednesday at 6 p.m. Services

are currently being held at the Grace Place, 206 Petit St. As Easter weekend approaches, all are invited for an Easter Egg hunt Saturday, April 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the location of their future home, 1062 Plum Point Road, Pope. Hot dogs, chips, etc. will be provided. The public is also invited to the speical Easter service at 9 a.m. Sunday at the Plum Point location. Dinner on the grounds follow services. Come join Pastor Derrick Simmons and the New Beginnings family for a weekend of celebration and worship.

April 21

Salem M B Church will be having Sunrise service on Easter morning at 6:00. Rev Larry Itson is pastor.

Sardis Lake Baptist Church will have Easter sunrise service Sunday at 6:30am. Everyone is invited. 

Shiloh M. B. Church, Courtland, will have Easter Service at 9 a.m.

April 24-26

Sardis Lake Baptist Church will host its 10th Annual Missions Revival Wed.-Fri. (24th thru 26th) at 6:30 nightly and Sunday, April 28, at 10 a.m. There will be missionaries from the U.S. and abroad. Everyone is invited to come and meet the missionaries. Supper will be served Wed.- Fri. from 5 to 6 p.m. and lunch at noon on Sunday. Please contact Betty Young 609-0546 for more information, or if you plan to eat so we can have an accurate count. 

April 27

The Miss/Master Rock Hill Church pageant will be held at 2 p.m.

April 28

Pleasant Green M.B. Church, 549 Union Rd., Sardis, will celebrate the fourth anniversary of pastor and wife, Barry and Gloria Jones, Sr., at the church on Sunday, April 28, at 3 p.m. Pastor Cleveland Alexander and the Pine Grove West Church of Oxford will be the special guests. “Come and let us exalt his name together.” Everyone is invited.

Cotton Plant Church is having its church anniversary Sunday, April 28, at 3 p.m. Rev. Darin Ellis is the guest speaker. Rev. Fred Brown is the pastor. Everyone is invited.

Persimmon Hill M.B. Church will be having its annual Usher’s Day at 2:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. Robert Garrison along with the McIntosh Church family of Holly Springs. Everyone is invited. Church pastor is Andrew Fluker. Contact Jeanette Suggs at 623-7397 for more information.

The Mt. Zion Baptist Church will celebrate is annual Men’s Day at 3 p.m. Special guest speaker will be Rev. Warren Johnson of Moore’s Chapel. The public is invited to attend. Rev. Sammie Parker is church pastor.

May 4

Magnolia Lodge #58 is selling Boston Butts for $25 dollars. Purchase tickets now to place orders. Pick up date is May 4. Contact number 609 3292. Contact is Clifton Willingham at 609-6254 .

Rock Hill Baptist Church will host a Pink Affair banquet honoring women at 6 p.m. Dress is semi-formal.

Concord M.B. Church will celebrate its annual Homecoming and Memorial services, May 4 and 5. Saturday, the service will begin at 1 p.m. with Rev Johnnie R Haynie from Garden of Prayer M.B. Church as the guest speaker.  Sunday services will begin at 9:30 a.m. with Sunday school and morning worship at 11 a.m. Pastor Christopher Townsend will deliver the morning message.

May 5

Pastor Carl Brown and the Shiloh M.B. Church family invites present and former members to its annual Homecoming and Memorial Day Program at 11 a.m. Dr. Sammy Martin, professor at the University of Georgia Theology Dept., will be the guest speaker.

May 12

Rock Hill Baptist Church will have its Mother’s Day/Homecoming Service beginning at 11 a.m. Friends and family of the congregation are cordially invited to attend this special day.

June 3-7

Viney Creek M. B. Church is planning a trip to Washington, D.C., by charter bus June 3-7. The roundtrip fare is $270 per person which includes dinner at the hotel, two buffet dinners and a reception. The bus will depart from the Wal-Mart in Southaven Monday, June 3 at 6 a.m. Deadline for booking the trip is Saturday, May 4. For additional information booking the trip, making payments and hotel reservations, contact Fred Partee at 209-2618.


Celebrate Recovery With Jesus will meet each Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. at Victory Independent Baptist Church on Hwy. 51S, two-and-a-half miles south of Batesville on the right. Bring all your hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Call 209-7773 for more information.

Impact Life Ministries Family Worship Center will meet every Sunday at 11 a.m. at a City-Wide event at the Batesville Public Library. Pastors are Apostle Randall and Lady Lashawn Mitchell. All are welcome.