Kids invited to ramp demo in Batesville

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 3, 2016

Kids invited to ramp demo in Batesville

By John Howell
Representatives of American Ramp Company will set up an “all-wheel pumptrack” on the Public Square Tuesday, June 7 from 3 to 6 p.m.

“Come check it out, bring your bike, skateboard or scooter and have some fun,” Mayor Jerry Autrey said.

The company will bring a complete demo track that will accommodate the various forms of non-motorized, wheeled vehicles as part of its sales pitch to the city, the mayor said.

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Batesville has been included on the 2016 Summer Pumtrack Tour.  Installers will assemble a ramp track that includes inclines and curves for the demonstration.

“We’re looking at ways to give kids something to do,” Autrey continued.