Batesville Municipal Court 7/10/2015

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 10, 2015

Defendants found guilty on shoplifting charges in municipal court

By Emily Williams
Judge Bill McKenzie found two defendants guilty of shoplifting after hearing testimony during Batesville Municipal Court held Wednesday.

Lashunda Lynette Windless, 9381 Charlie Pride, Sledge, was found guilty of shoplifting merchandise from Walmart and fined $1,146.

Walmart’s asset protection officer testified he saw merchandise in her buggy along with a Walmart sack she and two other women were putting items in. He said once the bag was too full, they stole purses and filled them up with merchandise.

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After providing video evidence the judge found her guilty.

Tina Michelle Nolan, 109 Court St., Batesville, was found guilty of shoplifting after video evidence and testimony from Walmart’s security officer.

The officer testified he saw Nolan put over $1,000 worth of merchandise in her buggy.
“She attempted to take the entire buggy with the $1,000 worth of merchandise in it but she ditched it,” he testified.

He testified that Nolan was trying to leave the store with 16 items in her purse.

After testimony and video evidence she was found guilty and fined $1,146.

Jarvis Allen, 107 Vance St., Batesville, was fined $647 for disorderly conduct-failure to comply.
Francisco G. Arredondo, 221 1/2 Perkins Lane, Batesville, paid cash fines of $552 in full prior to court for public drunk and open container.

Roman Dee Milam, 611 Shiloh Rd., Courtland, entered guilty pleas to possession of marijuana, suspended driver’s license and no seat belt. He was fined $1,099.

Jimmy Bolding Jr., 115 Dogwood Lane, Senatobia, entered a guilty plea to possession of marijuana in a vehicle. He was fined $683.

He entered a not guilty plea to petit larceny by leaving a gas station without paying for fuel.
He told the judge he was robbed making him unable to pay for the gas.

A trial was set for July 27.

Jamarcus S. Hamilton, 106 Goodhaven, Batesville, had a petit larceny charge dismissed after the affiant failed to appear to prosecute.

He had old fines of $1,146 due since January 2015.

He explained to the judge he made arrangements with his job to work night shift so he could work on the city’s work release program to satisfy his fines.

“If you want to work two jobs, then my hat’s off to you,” the judge said.

He entered the CWP for 20 days.

Christine L. Rudd, 3946-B Eureka Rd., Batesville, paid fines of $313 for simple assault prior to court.

Markeevan Ford, 2074-C Morrow Rd., Courtland, had charges for simple assault, malicious mischief and telephone profanity dismissed after the affiants Darius Barksdale, Sharon Rudd and Telissa Barksdale failed to appear to prosecute.

Ford also had old fines of $1,627 due in full by next week.

Nathan P. Gabbard, 536 Mallard Point Rd., Batesville, had charges for shoplifting remanded to the files for six months at the request of the asset protection officer who charged him at Walmart.

Gabbard told the judge he joined the National Guard.

“He’s trying to improve himself,” the manager said.

Launetta Shearon Joiner, 242 Ruby Rd., Courtland, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting from Walmart. She was fined $1,146.

Nicholas Austin Sheppard, 2213 Cold Springs Rd., Sardis, had a case for DUI and no tag continued.

Carlos Thomas, 201-A Leonard St., Batesville, paid his old fines of $381 in full prior to court.
Jason D. West, 20-A Trammel Rd., Batesville, had a case for DUI-second, child endangerment and running  a stop sign continued.