Enid Lake

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 13, 2012

Enid plans special events

By Enid Lake Park Rangers

Habitat Day Activities

Enid Lake’s Annual Habitat Day has been scheduled for Saturday, February 4 with activities beginning at 7 a.m. at the Enid Lake Field Office.

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This year, Habitat Day volunteers will divide into groups, with groups working at Love Joy, Silo/Guest Creek and Robinson Crossing.

Volunteers of all ages are needed to accomplish this endeavor. Work will include dragging cedar trees with ATV’s, tying and anchoring cedar trees with concrete weights and ties, and driving wooden stakes with post drivers.

Volunteers are asked to bring their ATV’s to assist in placing cedar trees in the proper locations. If you don’t have an ATV and still would like to participate don’t worry; there will be plenty to do including hooking and unhooking trees to and from ATV’s, tying and anchoring shelters, and constructing wooden stake beds.

After a morning of constructing fish shelters, volunteers will return to Enid Lake’s maintenance shop for lunch and a drawing for door prizes.

Clean Up Day

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Enid Lake and the Volunteers for Waste Management have set the Annual Clean Up Day Event for February 25.

The event will begin at 7 a.m. The next Clean Up Day Organizational Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 31 at 7 p.m. at the Enid Lake Field Office.

Anyone interested in participating in this event or anyone who would like to find out more information on this event is welcome.

Enid Lake personnel would like to invite all visitors who frequent Enid Lake to these two events. With this in mind, also remember that the public lands surrounding Enid Lake are for everyone’s enjoyment and it is the responsibility of each user to preserve, protect and enhance the natural resources.

For more information on Enid Lake’s Special Events, contact the Enid Lake Field Office at 662-563-4571 or visit the following website at http://www.mvk.usace.army.mil/Lakes/ms/enid/.