Byron Houston letter 11-4-11
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Letter to the editor
It has been brought to my attention that funds that my company donated to the D.A.R.E program has made its way into the political arena via the sheriff’s race.
Use of D.A.R.E funds for political gain is a tragedy for this community. It shows a lack of integrity for the current regime and takes money away from the children for which it was intended.
My donation was for the education of children in our schools to promote drug awareness and prevent future drug abuse.
Mr. Griffin, how D.A.R.E you to take from our youth in this manner. I want my money back.
Byron Houston
Editor’s Note: For fairness—an employee with the sheriff’s department has taken full responsibility for handing out the T-shirts that were left over from a previous event without the current sheriff’s input.