SP Fastpitch Banquet
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 20, 2011
By Myra Bean and Angie Ledbetter
The South Panola Lady Tiger Fastpitch Softball team celebrated its co-district winning season with a banquet Monday night.
Arena One was the setting for the catered meal with Mississippi College’s Susan Musselwhite, Assistant Athletic Director /Senior Woman Administrator as the guest speaker.
The Lady Tiger team was a scholar athlete team with an overall 3.318 grade point average.
Named to the All-Conference team were Nicole Fullilove, pitching; honorable mentions Tori Helton, pitching, Christa Brown, outfield and Meri Morgan Fortune, infield.
For the team, Amanda Ivy was named most valuable player. Brown received the best offensive award while Helton received the best defensive award.
Fullilove received the team’s Tiger Pitching award.
Receiving most improved honors was Mary Beth Hayes. Fortune was honored as having the most runs batted in (RBI) award.
Other awards include Caroline Dickins, highest on base average; Marla Rudd, hustle; Lauren Calvert, leadership; Lindsey Calvert, Tiger; and Emily Smith, dedication.