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Published 12:00 am Friday, March 25, 2011

Matthew Mock

SP Hires Mock as new offensive coordinator

By Rupert Howell

School trustees Tuesday approved the hiring of new South Panola offensive coordinator Matthew Paul Mock upon the recommendation of Superintendent Dr. Keith Shaffer who after interviewing the candidate described him as a “sharp guy, . . . very impressive.”

Shaffer informed board members that the candidate had passed muster with South Panola High School Principal Jay Foster and that the principal and Head Coach Lance Pogue devised a way for Mock to begin his career at South Panola immediately.

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Shaffer explained that although Mock does not have a teaching license, he holds a degree in history from The University of Southern Mississippi.

Mock is presently employed as offensive coordinator of the state community college champions from Gulf Coast Community College who last season defeated former South Panola Coach Ricky Woods and the Northwest Community College Rangers for that title.

Avid South Panola supporter and radio announcer Chief Justice George C. Carlson said Tuesday, “That is good news.  He comes with good credentials-working with Steve Campbell (currently Gulf Coast Community College head coach) who coached  Delta State and Josh Bright (former championship Tiger quarterback and winner of the Connerly trophy) to a 2000 national championship.”

Shaffer’s compliments came after informing board members that Mock could be issued a temporary teachers license and take an alternate route to become certified by taking the state praxis test to acquire his license.

“He has the skills to be a good teacher,” Shaffer said explaining that once he acquires teacher certification a regular contract would be issued for him to be a teacher/coach.

Mock’s temporary arrangements allow him to be paid $120 per day plus benefits. as interim coach/ permanent substitute teacher.