Stoupe Letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Amendment rights for all, including Latter Day Saints

Dear John: Oh, how I hate to write  — but after reading your “opinion” (or hit piece?), “What do Glen Beck and mosque builders have in common?” (Friday, Sept. 1) — I can only say, “Johnny, I hardly knew ye!”

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Your columns have been looked forward to over the years. It has been easy to glean from your offerings a heavy slant towards liberalism which unfortunately leads to socialism. It’s not a surprise as you share in 90 percent of the media (newspaper columnists as well as talk show and TV show hosts) who have become a part of this great nation’s problems rather than contributing to solutions.

Even now I’m trying to determine your primary target in your column. Is it The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or is it Glen Beck’s conservatism? What set you off?

How many members (Mormons) do you know or have you talked to over the years? Or are you forbidden to get that close to one? John, you would be surprised at how fulfilling our religion is to us. Generally we are conservative. We have the same concerns that you have — about family, about friendships, and about our relationship with God. Yes, we do worship God, and have a great love for His Son Jesus Christ, who is our personal Saviour.

Our very first tenet in this church is “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.” And there is another one that we honor as we do all of them. “We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.”

Apparently, our forefathers believed as we do. There is a certain legal document that also provides us with this same assurance. By “us,” I mean you, me and every individual who worships a higher authority. It’s called the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. It reads in part, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …”

John, you have the right and freedom to say or write almost anything you want. I’m grateful for that right. If the American people stand up against those in “high places” who will do everything they can to eliminate this right, we can be assured of its continuation.

Hopefully, those who read your admonition will take advantage of the references you have listed. I pray they will do so and be influenced by the Holy Spirit to seek out more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and seek answers if they feel a prompting to do so.

Go easier on Glen Beck — he’s the real thing!

I look forward to your column.

Bill Stroupe
