Bean letter

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 14, 2007

Don’t “X” Christ out of Christmas, reader urges

As I stood watching the Christmas parade on Tuesday night, watching float after float go by and trying to figure out which one I liked the best, along came a float that had a sign at the back of it that said “Merry X-mas.”

I was disappointed that they had “x”ed Christ right out of Christmas. Do you not know that Jesus is the reason for the season?

We are celebrating because of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Let us not X Christ out or abbreviate Christmas in this way. What if Christ x-ed us out or abbreviated our blessings so that they would be cut short so we couldn’t fully enjoy them?

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During this season of giving and receiving of gifts, eating delicious meals, and visiting with family and friends, let us not forget the reason for the season — Jesus Christ, the greatest gift we will ever receive.

/s/ Gale M. Bean