
Ragon keeps Chancery Court Clerk’s seat

Katie Ragon garnered 5,087 of the 11,072 votes cast for Panola County Chancery Court Clerk in the General ...


Phelps leading sheriff’s race with five precincts left to report

With 16 of 21 precincts reporting at the Batesville Courthouse, Panola County Sheriff Shane Phelps appeared on his ...


NAACP: Candidates not intentionally excluded

Local NAACP chapter president Gloria Tucker said a breakdown in communications was responsible for some county candidates being ...


Macedonia political forum will be moderated by Como native Otis Sanford

The Macedonia Concord Community Center will have its final Political Education Forum of the season at the Community Center ...


County board zips through Oct. agenda – approves burn ban

The Panola County Board of Supervisors held possibly its shortest ever Monday at the Sardis Courthouse, flying through ...


General Election deadlines approaching

The 2023 General Election is just a month away, and there are some important deadlines approaching for voters ...

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