
Curious names from Buck Snort to Hog Eye

By Donna Traywick Mt. Olivet News I enjoy reading different translations of the Bible. When I go to ...


It’s a celebration going on around here

By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist This past Sunday was my birthday. You can hold the applause and catcalls. ...


1788 book set math course for Americans

By Gene Hays MSgt USMC (Ret) By 1785 Americans were ready for new math. In 1773, the sixth ...


A rainy day ramble

By Jan Penton-Miller Columnist Another rainy Monday morning, and I’m happy. There is something special about a rainy ...


How would you measure a squirrel’s ear?

By Donna Traywick Mt. Olivet News My dear sweet friend Elizabeth Browning went to be with the Lord ...


Continuing to Stand with Israel

By David McRae State Treasurer The October 7 Hamas attack on Israel was just one episode in a ...


Still holding hands and eating Mississippi catfish

By Les Ferguson Columnist If I’ve done the math right, it was 1983. We were oh-so-young, and so ...


Advice to upcoming graduates Class of ’24

By Robert St. John Columnist You are a few years away from beginning your professional life, but you ...


Faithful Friends reunion one of a kind

By Donna Traywick Mt. Olivet News Tucked away neatly off Highway 315 about seven or eight miles from ...


May an elephant caress you with his toes

By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist I’m not a birder. With apologies to my birder friends, I'm not old ...

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