Sheriff: Resident accuses flying chicken of damaging vehicle

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 26, 2016

Sheriff: Resident accuses flying chicken of damaging vehicle

By Ashley Crutcher
A flying chicken damaged a red Chevy Silverado traveling down Crouch Road around 7 p.m.
On August 13, according to the initial report by Lieutenant David Mills.

“I was driving on Crouch Road when a chicken flew accross the road and hit my truck” stated the resident.

According to the report, the chicken damaged his front driver’s side headlight.

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Lieutenant Mills spoke with another resident who stated none of his chickens were missing and claimed the driver of the Chevy is always speeding up and down the road.

Law enforcement officials were called on August 17 to North Oaks Hospital in Senatobia after a six week old infant was brought in with injuries to its arm.

According to the report, the child’s father called the Panola County Sheriff’s office to report his stepmother had taken his child.

Investigator Terry Smith contacted the stepmother who stated she took the child to the hospital because she felt the child’s arm was injured.

“My stepson brought the child into our bedroom and said the child would not stop crying,” the stepmother stated.

The hospital determined that the child’s shoulder was dislocated and the child was taken to Lebohneur Hospital.

According to the report, Investigator Smith notified the father of the situation and asked him to come to the sheriff’s office.

The father stated he was staying with his mother in Cordova and would come to the sheriff’s office the following day.

According to the report, the father has not contacted Investigator Smith since the incident.
Investigator Terry Smith was called to a home on Hentz Road for a possible case of arson.
The home was engulfed in flames just a week after a deadly shooting that left one person dead.
Further investigation into the fire revealed that lightning struck the home about two weeks before the fire and knocked out the air conditioning, according to the report.

“After lightning struck the house, a lamp caught fire. The electrical outlets would spark. There’s been serious electrical issues since the lightning strike,” said the owner.

The owner was staying in the back of the house that had air conditioning.

“The electrical issues were reported to the insurance company prior to the shooting incident at the home,” said Investigator Smith.

According to the report, a friend of the owner, who was aware of the electrical issues, was going to the home to check on the dogs and the home since the shooting.

“I went to check on the home and turned all the lights on in the house and left,” said the friend.
Investigator Smith is continuing his investigation to confirm that the fire is related to possible electrical issues.

The Panola County Sheriff’s Office received 35 calls from residents which required service from August 10 through August 11.

August 10
• Old Panola Road, Sardis resident reported a burglary to Deputy Britton Crawford.
According to the report, the resident stated he was mowing the lawn when he noticed the door to one of his rental trailers was open.

After investigating, the resident discovered that someone entered the trailer and pulled two vents out of the floor and dug into them as if they were searching for something.
The resident stated he wasn’t sure of who may be responsible.

August 12
• Deputy Jeremy Hailey spoke to a Willow Road, Sardis resident who stated she went to her residence to get a few items and noticed her 62“ flatscreen tv and an xbox game was missing.
According to the report, she wasn’t staying at the residence due to electrical problems.
• Nashville resident reported to Investigator Bryan Arnold she is being harrassed by the mother of her husband’s child.
According to the report, the victim stated she went to drop the child off at their mother’s in November and the mother’s sister ran out of the house threatening to do bodily harm to the victim.
The victim stated the mother and sister continuously call and text her making threats.
The victim wanted the incident documented in case there is a problem in the future, according to the report.

August 13
• Farrish Gravel Road resident reported to Lieutenant Mills a subject was riding a motor scooter in front of his house when the resident’s dog bit the subject on his leg.
According to the report, the subject got mad and pulled a pistol and threatened to shoot the resident’s dog.
• Deputy Maurice Market responded to a report of vandalism on Rock Hill Road, Sardis and spoke to a resident who stated his girlfriend shattered a window of his residence.
According to the report, the resident also stated his girlfriend ran her vehicle into his residence.

August 14
• Deputy Bill Furniss investigated a report of child abuse and spoke to the child’s mother who stated her son has been going to his father’s for visitation and coming home with bruises.
According to the report, the child asked not to go back because his step-grandfather spanks him with a belt and leaves bruises.
The mother is pursuing charges for child abuse.
• East Sardis Lake Drive resident reported to Deputy Josh Griffin he was at Coles Point Grocery when his landlord tried to fight him.
According to the report, the resident and his landlord have been to court about the house the resident rents and the landlord is angry about the events.
The resident stated he was paying for his items when his landlord came up from behind him cursing at him and asking him to come outside to fight.
The resident stated he walked out of the store and the landlord took a swing at him but missed.
The resident stated he began pumping his gas and the landlord grabbed his items and slung them to the ground, according to the report.
The resident stated he picked up his items and left the store.
According to the report, as Deputy Griffin was leaving the house the resident  walked to Deputy Griffin’s police unit and handed him a 9mm handgun which the resident stated he found on Sardis Lake Drive in the road.
After further investigation, Deputy Griffin learned the gun was stolen out of Oxford.
• Deer Alley resident reported to Deputy Hailey his cousin stole some tools from him and his brother witnessed his cousin taking the tools.
According to the report, the suspect stole a 20 ton railroad jack, Kobalt screwgun, Dewalt bit set, LED rechargable light, 2 walkie talkies, air matress and an electric pump all totaling a $819 value.

August 15
• Deputy Hailey spoke to a Dishmon Road, Como resident who reported someone was filing for unemployment in his name and has received approximately $3,300.
According to the report, the resident stated he has never received unemployment and his boss, who he’s worked for going on eighteen years, was threatening to take it out of his check.
• Main Street, Courtland resident reported to Deputy Mark Allen someone broke into his residence, vandalized the home and stole his son’s MDS championship ring, playstation and six games.
• Springport Road resident stated a known subject took a vehicle after being told not to.
The residents found the vehicle a few days later parked on the side of the road, according to the report by Lieutenant Harris.
The resident stated she had medication in the vehicle at the time it was stolen.
• Sees Chapel Road resident got into a fight with the suspect, according to the report by Investigator Danny Beavers.
After Deputy Harold Lewis took care of the dispute, the resident noticed her cellphone was missing.
According to the report, the resident called the phone and the suspect answered.
The resident asked the suspect to retrieve her phone and return it which he did, but the phone was already destroyed, according to the report.
• Investigator Beavers took a report of trespassing after the suspect was told to leave the property but refused, according to the report.
• Deputy Allen responded to a disturbance on Henderson Road where an individual was trying to break into the residence.
According to the report, the suspect and his girlfriend were outside the suspects home arguing when the girlfriend went inside and locked the door.
The report stated the suspect began beating on the door and hit a window to the left of the door, cutting himself.
Dispatch received a call stating the suspect was injured and walking down Woodruff Road.
According to the report, after failed attempts in locating the suspect Deputy Allen notified Merit Health and Baptist Hospital in Oxford to be on the lookout for the suspect.

August 16
• Investigator Smith was called to house fire on Sees Chapel Road.
“I came home about 7:30 p.m. and went to bed shortly afterwards. When I woke up, I saw flames to the south end of the house and a large amount of smoke. I went to get my dogs out and left,” said the resident.
The resident stated the house may have had a wiring problem because sometimes the power would go off for no apparent reason, according to the report.
The resident has rented the home for over a year with his wife who was at work during the time of the fire.
Investigator Smith contacted the property owner who was already aware of the fire.
• James Turner Road resident spoke to Lieutenant Davis stating someone stole her gun.
According to the report, the resident stated someone broke into her home through the backdoor of the house and took two rifles and a handgun from her bedroom.
Investigator Smith is continuing the investigation.
• Hammond Hill Road, Como resident reported to Deputy Hailey she arrived home around 2:30 p.m. to find her TV missing and a flower pot turned over.
According to the report, someone entered the home through the front window by using a chair to reach the window.
• James Lamar Road resident stated he was out of town for a few days and upon arrival back home he noticed someone had broken into his residence and stole a 7mm rifle and a 12 gauge shotgun, according to the report by Deputy John Still.
• Deputy George Renfroe spoke to a Heafner Road resident who stated the suspect came to her property after being told not to and started beating on the resident’s door.
According to the report, the suspect has been riding by the residence multiple times as well as texting the resident.
• Old Panola Road, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Renfroe the suspect blocked a driveway and rental house to where only one vehicle can be parked at the residence.

August 17
• Deputy Josh Griffin spoke to a Morris Lane resident who stated a 17 year-old female drug her out of her vehicle and started punching her.
According to the report, the resident stated she went to the kitchen to get away from the juvenile and continued to state that the juvenile came at her again while the resident was cutting up a tomato.
The resident stated she threw her hand up and yelled stop but the juvenile then threw her head into the stove and table.
According to a second report by Lieutenant Chuck Tucker, the juvenile called her mother to come pick her up from the residence stating the resident went into the kitchen and got a knife and threatened the juvenile with the knife.
• Seven Road resident reported to Investigator Beavers she was sweeping her bedroom and noticed her jewelry box on the floor at the foot of her bed.
According to the report, when the resident looked in the box she noticed her jewelry was missing.
• Hartzell Road, Courtland resident spoke to Deputy Bill Furniss and reported he recently fired the suspect who he believes stole an antenna off of one of his trucks as well as a set of chrome cased brake lights from another truck.
According to the report, the resident stated the suspect tried to take the antenna off of one of the trucks when he was fired. The incident is under further investigation.
• Investigator Beavers took a report of trespassing from a Gleeton Road resident.
According to the report, the resident is afraid the suspect will do bodily harm to her daughter who the suspect is currently dating.
• Lieutenant Harris responded to Hammond Hill Road for a report of vandalism.
According to the report, the resident stated he went outside and noticed scratches alongside the driver’s side, passenger side, and on the hood and rear of his gray Chevy Tahoe.

August 18
• Charles Lane resident reported to Deputy Lewis his 4×6 trailer was missing.
According to the report, the suspect, along with a group of males. were working at a house near his residence.
• Deputy Bill Furniss spoke to a Forrest Drive, Sardis resident who stated she left her residence at noon and returned around 5:30 p.m. to find some of her medicine missing.
According to the report, the resident stated she leaves her front door open due to her dogs.
The incident is under further investigation.
Motor Vehicle Incident Report
• August 10, One car accident on  Dunlap Road.
• August 12, Car hit a tree on Eureka Road.
• August 13, Car backing out hit another vehicle at the Pure Station on Hentz Road.
• August 15, 16 and 18 cars hit deer on Woodruff Road, Farrish Gravel Road and Curtis Road.
Juvenile Incident Report
•A 15 year-old runaway from Sycamore Street landed in trouble.
• Juvenile found himself in a bind at North Panola Junior High after retaliating against a school official.
• 13 year-old got into trouble after causing a disturbance on Nash Road.