Phillip Herron letter-correction

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Correction: Herron’s letter reprinted

(An error in Phillip Herron’s letter published in the March 2 edition may have altered his intent. It is reprinted here in its entirety.)

Re: Ray Mosby’s editorial on February 28, entitled “Train has left station in contraception birth control debate”

Ray, I’ve been silent too long in regard to your incessant drivel espousing Obama left wing talking points. Your attempt to redirect our attention away from Obama’s goal of destroying our constitution is amusing but tragic.

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The correct issue is not one of contraception and politics, but one referencing our Constitutional rights: To be specific the First Amendment which reads in part: “Congress (government) shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there of.” The socialist Obama administration violated the First Amendment by ordering the Catholic Churches, hospitals, schools and universities to ignore their doctrinal standards and provide contraceptive services to their employees. I am not prone to defending Catholicism but this is an attack on all churches.

Phillip W. Herron