Andrea Creel letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Letter to the editor

House Agriculture Committee keeps animal cruelty legal in Mississippi

Since the Supreme Court ruling on Dec. 13, 2001, Mississippi has not had an animal cruelty law.

In Mississippi it is not illegal to torture, torment, beat, or mutilate an animal. We are one of only four states that do not have a felony penalty for heinous crimes against dogs and cats. The Legislature has met eight times since this ruling and has failed to pass a cruelty law.

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It appears that no one can agree on what to do but everyone can agree that something must be done. The Legislature convenes in only 22 days, and it does not seem we are any closer to finding a solution.

In the last session, the Senate passed an animal cruelty law, but the House of Representatives Agriculture Committee let it die without a vote. Maybe the House will not let animal cruelty die in this session because the citizens of Mississippi will not let this issue die in 2011. We will vote.

Andrea Creel