Letter to the Editor SP alumni treated rudely

Published 11:41 am Wednesday, October 23, 2024

By City at Homecoming
Dear Editor,
Imagine this: laughing, dancing, taking pictures, reminiscing about your high school years and then BOOM; at 7:00:01
you are met with bright blue lights, sirens, horns and officers in bullet proof vests marching towards you while casting
an unsettling shadow over the very gathering that you had enjoyed moments before. And not to mention the threats
of towing vehicles and the use of mace hanging in the air.
The atmosphere quickly shifted from a celebration to fear in an instant. Such aggressive actions and language were
not only disheartening but also painted a troubling picture that left many feeling unwelcome and targeted. This is not
the experience we envisioned for our 10th SPHS ALUMNI HOMECOMING at the Batesville Civic Center.
For a decade, our alumni tailgate has been a peaceful gathering, free from violence and negativity. Yet this year, the
approach we encountered was jarring and totally unnecessary.
Everyone (not really) knows the feeling of being in a place where you honestly aren’t welcomed. A few hints to
suggest this were the repetitive and unnecessary reminders of the terms of the contract. I received a reminder text at
1:30 PM stating “Dear Shana Copying Barry (BPD) Reminder event will stop at 7 pm sharp all music and cooking will
stop and loading out packing up at 7 Thanks Rodney.” This was followed by a phone call at 2:22PM from a former
state trooper that said he was instructed by BPD to remind me that the event was to be over at 7PM.
After a board meeting, a review and signing of a contract, a phone call ensuring we were on the same page, a text
message reminder, and a phone call you would think that as a 40 year old business owner who has coordinated this
very event for 10 years, that I was clear on the time the event would end. Ha! Not quite. At least one more reminder
was needed.
At 6:59PM, I received a rude and abrupt text stating, “DJ off and load out please.”
To add to this, the mayor himself, who had visited the event earlier and appeared to be enjoying himself, returned
after receiving complaints from some board members that we were STILL OUT THERE! Well, of course!
Communication via email had taken place September 3rd stating that it takes 1-1.5 hours to clear and clean the lot.
This CAN'T BE the standard practice for other groups using the facility. It was an unwarranted intrusion into our
celebration. While I appreciate reminders (insert sarcasm), I cannot help but to feel that such frequent notifications
are not standard practice for other groups utilizing the facility. This excessive and condescending communication is
not how I would expect to be treated, especially as an adult organizing a long-standing community event.
The event is over and frankly nothing can be done other than for me to be a voice for the very community that likely
boosted the revenue for the town 10 times (exaggeration OR NOT) over this very weekend.
This experience has raised significant concerns about the treatment of certain community members and the
underlying biases that may exist. It is imperative that we foster a welcoming environment for all, rather than some,
that does not feel threatening and hostile.

I urge the director of the civic center, the powers that be who decided that THAT dismissal was tactful, the mayor,
and last and certainly not least, the board of alderman to reflect on these actions and the impact they have on
individuals of the community.
It is time for us to address these issues openly, ensuring that events like ours can continue to thrive in a supportive
and respectful atmosphere.
s/Shana Belle Norwood Smith

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