Aldison Letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reader responds to ‘display of ignorance,’ urges closer study of Latter Day Saints

This is in response to John Howell’s editorial and his display of ignorance. (“What do Glenn Beck and mosque builders have in common?” Sept. 3.) I am always amazed at how much time people of other religions spend researching to criticize the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons).

Do you actually have time left to study the Scriptures? “Judge not lest ye be judged.”

Could it be that you and people like you are intimidated by and (are) afraid of the fact that the majority of “Mormons” (LDS) actually live what they believe?

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Let’s be clear on one thing, we (Mormons) believe in the same God of the Old/New Testament. We praise and worship Him just as you do. You are welcome to attend our church and you will see that we study the scriptures on Sunday while you and others like you are spending your time of worship criticizing Mormons which you obviously know little about.

If you are sincerely interested in knowing the truth, talk to a Mormon (Latter Day Saint) and visit instead of anti-Mormon web sites. It appears that you may feel threatened by Glenn Beck, who openly professes his belief and love for God, and you liberals take offense to anyone who does that.

Before any of you listen to the lies and ignorance of people like John Howell, please talk to someone who actually knows what Mormons believe. I am sorry to inform you that that someone won’t be your preacher. They  only preach anti-Mormon lies that they read about.

I (and all Mormons) know that God is our eternal Father and that His Son, Jesus Christ, died on the Cross for our sins. We also believe the Bible to be the Word of God. You are welcome at our church any time. You may actually learn the truth.

/s/ Vicki Aldison