Edwards Letter
Published 12:00 am Friday, February 20, 2009
I am angry with the City of Batesville Gas Department. I just received my bill which reflected 43 days of service. This is unacceptable. It is hard enough to pay a month service let alone almost a month and a half.
Gas prices have risen which makes the bill even higher. They expect this to be paid on time and if not, add another fee. It is hard to stretch senior citizens’ fixed income as well as others who are trying to make a living for their family.
This is happening too often. A neighbor of mine went to the Gas Department office and asked to see their calendar that had 42 days for the month. These are hard times and the gas department is making things worse.
Have they no feelings for their customers? Do they realize paying these additional bills may result in less food on the table?
I am a senior citizen concerned for the well being of all Batesville customers.
Carolyn Edwards