Could we reach out and touch a hand?

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 3, 2022

By Mary Murphy

New Enon Community

We sing of peace and love of country, but is it enough to get us through our storm?

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Our country is full of flaws, but we can come together to flush out the bigotry and hate. We have seen another senseless shooting as families gather to show love that spreads abroad. Many have suffered across this nation, but still they rise.

God, in his infinite wisdom, brings comfort to those who love him. The time has come to bring Juneteenth and July 4th together, a week of celebration of one nation under God and mean it in words and deeds.

When the pot is stirred, we can come together like meat and potatoes.

I listen to songs of future endeavors and life changing behavior. Are we really enough, or should we try harder to be citizens of this world? Tell me, is there somewhere else we need to travel?

Born in this country of uniqueness, we see those who are calling for helping hands.

Should we, could we, reach out and touch somebody’s hand?