Letter to Editor – Time to make a stand in county road department

Published 1:43 pm Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Time to make a stand in county road department

Dear Editor,

I would like to open this correspondence by saying I love this county and I have lived here since 1965. I have watched Panola politics since I was old enough to understand. The county has the same old tired government that has lead this same county into lost industry, lost businesses, poor economic conditions and a definite resistance of change and progress.

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We, as the people of Panola County, hold in our hands the ability to change the situation of economic growth, progressive pursuit of industry and business, and improve lives for our people. We can effectively change the direction of Panola County by understanding what is really happening in our county governmåent.

I am the Agronomist for Mississippi Department of Transportation and have 17 years of experience with roads and roadsides. I have had a renewed interest in county roads since I was originally contracted to run the herbicide program for the county. I started the program 2018 and made a change from Roundup sprayed roadside to a less harmful method. The roadsides look very good this year with the Bermuda grass canopy on the side of the road due to the program that I implemented.

May of 2019, unfortunately, I was relieved of my county duties because of false information about the spray truck the county purchased from an Alabama company. The county refused to pay me for the months of March, April and May but did not release me from my contract until May. These facts are old news and I will not worry about the past. I will do everything in my power to change the future of Panola County.

I have traveled the county over recent months and I have observed several incidences that disturb me and in the interest of time and space, I will just list these items.

  • ● County dumping rubbish on Travis Road in public creek for several years. Department of Environmental Quality violation (reported and serious). Dumping is a possible public health issues and pollution control violations.
  • ● Tractor and side cutter running on Tocowa Road without shadow truck or adequate traffic control. ( A serious safety concern). Accidents waiting to happen. Many accidents barely avoided in the last week or more.
  • ● Stop sign on Jeff Sanders Road is covered with Kudzu. Sign not visible. (safety concern)
  • ● Spray truck running about 10 miles an hour without shadow truck or proper traffic control. (Safety). Accidents waiting to happen.
  • ● Several washes on Mt. Olivet Road that will soon cause road to fall in with a big rain and injure or kill someone. (Safety)
  • ● Pope- Water Valley Road extremely poor state of repair and dangerous. (Safety)
  • ● Travis Road extremely poor state of repair and dangerous. (Safety)
  • ● Baker Road down to one lane in areas. (Safety)
  • ● McNeely Road in poor state of repair and dangerous. (Safety)
  • ● Shiloh Road in poor state of repair and dangerous. (Safety)
  • ● Mt. Olivet Road poor state of repair and dangerous. (Safety)
  • ● Many line of sight issues because of limbs and tall weeds. (Safety)
  • ● The four year road plan that was approved from the road manager’s hand and as far as I could see was never discussed by supervisors, just passed. (FOUR YEARS) Who is really running the road maintenance program?
  • ● I suggest that everyone find Cotton Plant and Dunlap Road and see what good, safe roadways the county can provide for the people of Panola County.
  • There are so many more items to report but these are the types of things that concern me about the safety of my family and yours. Major roads such as Pope Water Valley Road and Mt. Olivet are heavily traveled roads with large numbers of families living there and they must travel these dangerous roads daily. Industry and job providers research areas and this is a deterrent to those looking for a place for a new business location.
  • I would like to conclude this correspondence by asking you the voter a couple of questions.
  • There is a county building in Sardis that the supervisors voted 3 to 2 to allow a civic organization to occupy this building until January 1, 2020 rent free and your tax dollars are paying the electric, water, and gas bill for this organization.
  • I don’t know about you but I don’t appreciate this and I know three supervisors that voted yes to approve. This is your tax dollars at work. I bet there are a lot of civic organizations that would love to get a free ride from the county. Does this fact make you angry? Yes. Is this the type of favoritism you want in county government? If your answer is no, then voting day is the day to vote for change.
  • I ask you to consider the subjects that I have brought to your attention. Please be an educated voter and know you hold the power to change the county for the good of the county and your family. Please know that ultimately the voter is responsible for the state of the county government. Think about the safety concerns and environmental concerns and health concerns.
  • I urge you to make up your mind if you are not satisfied with the quality of your roads, safety of roads, the way your money is being spent, and the way the supervisors run this county then go to the polls and vote for someone who can change these facts. Then in reverse if you are satisfied with the status quo. Remember, if you continue to do things the same way all the time and expect a different result you will never see the results you desire.
  • God gave us this wonderful place and it is our responsibility to steward and protect his creation. I beg the voters to be educated voters and vote for people that can do the job and improve this county. Your vote should be based on ability and caring of the individual not just because he or she is your personal friend.
  • Together let’s change Panola County for the better!
  • Concerned Citizen,
  • William Wigley