Sheriff’s Report: Wife gets “even” with husband

Published 11:46 am Friday, September 1, 2017

Sheriff’s Report: Wife gets “even” with husband

By Ashley Crutcher
The following information was compiled from incident reports from the Panola County Sheriff’s Department, August 17-24.
Como resident was robbed at gunpoint Saturday, August 23 as he was walking down Lucious Taylor Rd.
According to the report, the victim was intoxicated and high walking down the road when a vehicle stopped and the passenger got out pointing a gun to the victim’s head and stole his cell phone and cigars. The victim advised he was unable to recognize the vehicle or the suspect.
Domestic violence suspect was assaulted by a state inmate as he was being released from the Panola County Jail. According to the report, the inmate struck the suspect knocking him down and continued to hit him several times.
The suspect sustained injuries to his nose and mouth area. According to the report, the individuals have a child by the same girl and have had issues in the past. The inmate was placed in lockdown.
Deputy Steven McLarty responded to a disturbance on Camille Rd. where the resident reported he came home to pick up a car and found another man inside the home with his wife.
The resident advised he walked outside and got a shovel and started to hit the man in the head. According to the report, the wife stated her husband slept with her sister and she was getting even.
The Panola County Sheriff’s Department received 57 calls from Panola County residents requesting the assistance of Sheriff Deputies from August 17 to August 24.
August 17
• Investigator Edward Dickson spoke to an individual who reported another individual allowed his one year old son to wAnder approximately a block away from the residence without proper supervision.
According to the report, the child was located at a neighbor’s residence who reported the incident to the Sheriff’s Department.
The Department of Human Services was notified and responded to the scene. According to the report, DHS took custody of the child.
August 18
• Dummyline Rd. resident reported to Deputy Seth Cook that her and her stepson got into an altercation over a six pack of beer.
The resident advised during the altercation her stepson grabbed her by the wrist.
According to the report, the stepson was struck with a blunt object above the left eye and suffered a minor cut. Both residents were transported to Panola Medical Center and treated for their injuries. The stepson was transported to the Panola County Jail.
According to the report, the resident was treated for a fractured wrist and was released.
• Woodruff Rd. resident reported to Deputy McLarty she and her husband are going through a divorce and advised he made threats towards her. According to the report, the resident advised the suspect keeps texting, calling and walking by the residence.
• Deputy Jeff Still responded to Longtown Rd. where the resident advised his soon to be ex-wife pulled into his driveway. According to the report, the resident has a court order that states the suspect is not to be on the resident’s property.
August 19
• Sees Chapel Rd., Sarah resident reported to Deputy Hunter Lawrence someone broke into his store through the side door and stole 18 cartons of cigarettes.
• Deputy McLarty responded to a burglary on Eureka Rd. The resident reported he found the house had been broken into and numberous items missing.
According to the report, three flat screen TVs, one DVD player, desktop computer, electric stove and window air conditioning unit was stolen from the residence.
• Bob Crenshaw Rd. resident reported to Deputy Still someone broke into his residence and stole a change bank believed to have had $40-$50 inside. According to the report, the suspect made entry into the residence by kicking in the front door.
•Deputy Darryl House responded to Chickasaw Rd in reference to a burglary and spoke to the resident who reported he found the west side back door kicked in. According to the report, nothing appeared to be missing from the residence.
• Ballentine Rd., Sardis resident reported to Deputy House that her uncle snatched her wig off her head, punched her in her shoulder and pushed her.
•Bethlehem Rd. resident reported to Deputy House an individual and her cousin wanted to play cards at the residence. However, the resident advised them he had to work the next day and did not want company over.
According to the report, the individual left and came back with her brother who was carrying a 12 gauge shotgun and began beating on the residence car with it. The resident stated the suspect then pointed the shotgun at him.
• Deputy Tripp Williams located an abandoned 2012 maroon Nissan Altima on Old Panola Rd. According to the report, the vehicle was unlocked and the keys were laying on the seat. Deputy Williams requested a wrecker and inventoried the property within the vehicle.
August 20
• Deputy Still spoke to a Phelps Rd., Courtland resident and his son who advised they believe the son’s 17-year-old girlfriend is being sexually assaulted and raped by her father.
• Sardis Lake Dr. resident reported to Deputy Williams an individual came to his home to borrow a fuel hose and tools to finish a tile floor. The resident stated he advised the suspect he did not have any tools for that.
According to the report, the individual left and another individual returned screaming at the resident and attempted to swing at him but missing. The resident stated he pushed the suspect and told him to leave. According to the report, the suspect left the residence without further incident.
• Pope-Water Valley Rd., Pope resident reported to Deputy Williams that an individual was intoxicated and would not leave his property.
According to the report, the suspect was doing jobs for the resident and was staying in the farmhouse but was asked to leave after he began making threats towards the resident.
• Deputy Maurice Market spoke to a Eureka Rd. resident who reported her ex-husband was threatening to do bodily harm towards her and advised he sent her a song about dying to her email.
• Beatty Rd., Enid resident reported to Lieutenant Emily Griffin their brother-in-law and sister stole approximately $2,700 from their property on Enid Dam Rd.
According to the report, the suspects gained access to the property by removing a gate which has a “posted” sign and forced entry into the camper and residence. The residents were missing a Mathews Mission Bow, Arrows, Case, Remington .22 Rifle and a 1967 Lincoln Continental.
According to the report, the suspects caused damage to a trailer as they were pulling the vehicle.
Lieutenant Griffin was able to make contact with the sister who stated they took the vehicle because the resident had it listed on Facebook for sale and advised the vehicle belongs to both parties after the death of their father.
According to the report, the resident stated they did not take any other items but advised her mother stated the guns were all at the pawn shop.
August 21
• Investigator Terry Smith responded to a fire on Chapel Town Rd. where a house being used for storage without power running to it was on fire.
According to the report, a witness awoke at 3 a.m., noticed the flames and drove to the neighbor’s home to alert them to the fire. Investigator Smith asked the residents if they had problems with anyone they would suspect of burning the house.
The resident advised his son and his daughter-in-law had been fueding for years over some issues and had lived with them until a few months ago.
Later that morning the resident notified Investigator Smith she found a bicycle near the scene which she advised was not there the day before. According to the report, the resident’s son and daughter-in-law identified the bike as theirs.
The son was transported to the Panola County Sheriff’s Department for further investigation. The suspect, who lives approximately a quarter of a mile from the residence was unable to explain how the bicycle got over to the scene of the fire.
According to the report, the suspect stated he saw the bike the night before as he left for work and volunteered to take a polygraph to clear him as a suspect.
• Deputy Louise Linzy responded to Eureka Rd. where the resident reported she was getting into her vehicle when her husband closed the door on her left leg causing swelling to her shin, ankle and foot. The resident advised she and her husband are currently going through a divorce.
•Hwy. 51 S., Pope resident reported to Deputy Williams his 1998 Harley Davidson XL Sportster motorcycle was stolen. According to the report, the motorcycle was custom painted with leather saddle bags and white wall tires.
• Sees Chapel Rd., Sarah resident reported to Deputy Linzy he was driving down Longtown Rd. near Longtown Cemetary when he noticed the United States flag was missing from the flag pole and the lanard had been cut. There are no suspects at this time.
• Deputy House spoke to a Union Rd., Sardis resident who reported someone used his identity to open an account with Victoria’s Secret. The resident was advised to contact customer service and report the incident.
• Cedar Dr., Pope resident reported to Lieutenant Chuck Tucker his dirt bike was being worked on at a residence on Windover Rd. and advised he rode by the residence and noticed his bike was missing. According to the report, a witness stated he saw an individual down the road with a dirt bike on a trailer.
• Deputy Steven Moore responded to Curtis Rd. where the resident reported and individual has been harassing her by telephone and in person.
According to the report, the suspect was previously told not to come back on the property and has since shown up at the residence and stood outside the resident’s window.
• Intern Chantryce Morris spoke to a Waldrup Rd. resident who reported her ex-husband was knocking at her door trying to get into her house.
The resident advised she asked the suspect to leave but he refused. Deputies Willie Harris and Britton Crawford assisted Deputy Morris as she advised the suspect to leave the property.
• Lieutenant Emily Griffin responded to Phelps Rd. and spoke with the resident who stated she received a picture of her clothes on fire in the yard through text message from her husband. According to the report, the resident advised she was no longer living at the residence due to her husband being abusive towards her.
August 22
• Nash Rd. resident reported to Deputy Moore his child’s mother dropped their 11 month old child on his door step without his knowledge.
The resident stated the mother returned 15 minutes after noticing the child and left with the child on foot.
Deputy Moore was unable to make contact with the suspect and notified Child Protective Services of the incident.
• Katherine Trail resident reported to Deputy Linzy her daughter-in-law has destroyed her home. According to the report, the daughter-in-law and son were in the process of moving out of the residence.
During Deputy Linzy’s investigation the daughter-in-law became loud and non-compliant. According to the report, Deputy Linzy attempted to put the daughter-in-law in handcuffs but she began to resist.
After the suspect was detained and placed in the patrol vehicle, Deputy Linzy advised the son to remove all furniture if possible so that he would not have to come back to the residence. The suspect was transported to the Panola County Jail and charged with disorderly conduct failure to comply.
• Hughes Rd. resident reported to Investigator Bryan Arnold she is concerned for a two-year-old girl who stated she doesn’t like taking baths at her grandmother’s house.
According to the report, the victim advised she has to take showers with her grandfather and grandmother. The resident advised she is unsure if any sexual abuse has occured.
The resident reported the victim also stated her grandfather whips her really hard and is concerned about physical abuse.
• Deputy Jeremy Hailey spoke to an Edwards Rd. resident who stated he and his wife were around each other all day at a friends and when they arrived home his wife got mad and locked him out of the bedroom.
The resident advised he grabbed his wife and she struck him with an unknown object. According to the report, the wife advised her husband hit her in the face several times and stated she picked up an axe handle and hit him with it for protection.
Due to not knowing whom the primary aggressor was both subjects were arrested and charged with domestic violence.
• Deputy House spoke with a Hwy. 51 S., Pope resident who advised his wife assaulted him on August 15 by grabbing him by the arm and pushing him.
According to the report, the resident had a bruise on his arm.
• Deputy Hailey responded to a one car roll over on Dees Rd. Upon arrival, Deputy Hailey began to assist medics and fire fighters get the patient out of the car. According to the report, while looking for the insurance papers Deputy Hailey found a piece of brown paper bag containing marijuana.
• Bill Wallace Rd. resident reported to Deputy House her boyfriend choked her grandson.
• Hoskins Rd. resident reported to Deputy Mark Allen that an individual and his sister used his social security number to put Dish Network service in at the residence on Bill Wallace Rd. in Sardis. According to the report, the resident owes $1,400 to Dish Network and advised he never gave consent to have the service in his name. The resident advised he only found out about the bill when he ran a credit report after trying to buy a TV.
• Lieutenant Tucker responded to Elmers Hill, Sardis Lake where a 2001 tan Ford Taurus was located with all of the windows busted out, headlights busted out and several dents in the hood and side of the car. According to the report, one witness advised seeing the car parked there at 6p.m. the day before. No glass was located on the ground and therefore it was determined that the car was already vandalized before it was parked there. Sardis Lake Rangers had the vehicle towed.
• New Home Health Care worker was making a stop at a client’s home on Hwy. 51 N., Como, where a German Shepherd came charging at her and bit her arm. The victim suffered deep penetrating cuts and severe bleeding. The victim was transported to Baptist Desoto Memorial Hospital in Southaven. According to the report, the victim had to have 14 stitches, a rabbies shot and was scheduled for Vascular Surgery. The resident advised he has owned the dog for two years and stated the dog was trained to be a “rescue dog. The resident was advised to locate the dog’s vaccination records and keep the dog locked up.
August 23
• Myers Rd. resident reported to Deputy Hunter Lawrence he was missing his .38 Rossi handgun, a Cannon Rebel Camera, several Porter Cable Drills and Costa sun glasses.
• Hwy. 310, Crenshaw resident reported a burglary to Deputy Lawrence and advised he was missing a radio and house phone.
• Deputy Harold Lewis spoke to a Gregory Rd., Pope resident who stated the suspect was hired to repair the roof of his storage building. According to the report, the suspect has been coming by the residence demanding money that the resident has already paid him. The resident advised the suspect has threatened to remove the metal from the building. The suspect has been asked several times to stay off of the property.
• Deputy Bobby Billingsley followed up on a dog bite incident where a German Sherpherd bit an individual. According to the report, the dog owner was unable to find the dog’s rabies vaccination and was issued a citation. The dog is in quarantine for ten days from the date of the incident. Deputy Billingsley advised the dog be vaccinated as soon as the quarantine was over.
• Hwy 51 S, Pope resident reported to Intern Morris he noticed his pistol was stolen from his vehicle that was parked in his yard. According to the report, the resident believes his neighbor stole the pistol.
• Hubbard Rd., Courtland resident reported to Deputy Seth Cook the suspect took a 1997 black mustang convertible from the residence. According to the report, the suspect stated there was an emergency with her child and promised to return the vehicle. The resident advised the vehicle was never returned.
• Deputy Still spoke to a Birge Rd., Como resident who stated her son broke the windows out of her car with a brick. According to the report, the resident’s sister agreed to take the son back to her house and allow him to stay there until they could make further arrangements.
August 24
• Deputy Lawrence responded to the Dollar General on Shady Grove Rd. where the cashier reported a female customer set off the EAS as she was walking out the store. According to the report, the cashier followed the customer and she returned the merchandise. A few minutes later another female customer set off the EAS system and as the cashier started to follow her she began screaming “get back” and yelled for the driver of a white Chevy Sedan to “hand me my peice”, according to the report. The suspects left in the vehicle and the cashier advised she was unable to get a good look at the driver but advised the store had surveillance footage. The incident is under further investigation.
• Deputy Cook received a “be on the look out” for a 1995 green Chevy. According to the report, the vehicle was located and a suspect was taken into custody. Upon arrival at the jail, the suspect was removed from the rear passenger side of the vehicle and a search of the vehicle revealed a used needle that had been shoved into the seat where the suspect was sitting.
• Dunson Ave., Crowder resident reported to Deputy Still her boyfriend came to her house in a rage and punched holes in her shower wall and bathroom door. According to the report, the suspect advised he was upset about something that happened outside of the home and advised he punched the wall because he was mad. The suspect left the residence with a family member.
•Ballentine Rd. resident reported to Deputy Lawrence he received a phone call from a friend who advised two men were out in his field trying to steal some iron from his property. According to the report, the resident stated he arrived and began talking to the two suspects who slowly began to drive off as the resident attempted to get the tag number off of the truck.
Motor Vehicle Accident Report
• August 20, Hit and run occured on Curtis Rd.
• August 21, Vehicle lost control on Good Hope Rd. An injury was reported.
• August 21, Vehicle rolled over on Dees Rd. An injury was reported.
• August 22, Vehicle swerved to avoid oncoming vehicle on Curtis Rd. An injury was reported.
Juvenile Incident Report
• August 18, 17-year-old ran away from Partee Rd.
• August 21, 14-year-old charged with assault on Shiloh Rd.
• August 21, 16-year-old got into trouble for disorderly conduct on Atkins Rd.

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