It’s Friday

Published 11:44 am Friday, December 16, 2016

Grandbaby No. 4 arrives in time for Christmas

By Peggy Walker, R.D.

Santa came early, again, to the Walker household.  On Monday, December 5, we welcomed sweet baby Madalyn Grace into the fold.  This makes four grandbabies in four years and girl baby Number 3. So with Madalyn Grace’s arrival suddenly we had more girls than boys, a first for both of our families!  And we’ve learned that little girls are just as sweet as little boys!  Pink’s the new blue!
Two-year-old Emma Kate is the ecstatic big sister, who kept exclaiming, “that’s my baby sister, that’s my baby sister. And her name’s Mah Mah Grace!”
And parents James and Kathleen were just as proud when the 7 pound bundle of joy arrived with what looks to be red hair, making her daddy even the more proud.  It was love at first sight in South Louisiana.
DW and I packed our suitcases and took off for So LA that rainy Monday morning and met Madalyn Grace when she was just three hours old.
All was well and everyone was fine.  Maybe the cold snap prompted the quick delivery, but everyone down there was shivering in their flip flops and short sleeves.  I threw my flip flops in the backseat, thinking I’d have to come out of my boots, but that didn’t happen.  The cold temps dropped way on down into the almost tropical area so I was thankful for my boots, socks, and coat!
And, Madalyn Grace happily snuggled with which ever grandparent was the lucky one at the moment. She early on indicated a preference for arms over bassinet.  Babies are amazing…
Amazing also is how hospitals have changed in just the four years that we’ve been having grandbabies.  Babies are born the same way but they’re not whisked off to the nursery anymore.  In fact, Lafayette General Hospital didn’t even have a nursery where you could view the newborns.  Babies roomed in with their mommies and daddies.   It was the rule not the exception.
But there were no rules…no visiting hours, no age restrictions, no regimented schedules, no passes required, and seemingly no limit on number of visitors.  But the newborns are tagged, banded, and scanned, almost like house arrest with tiny monitors strapped on their little legs.  Tampering with one will send the nurses charging, halt the elevators, and send out alerts!
Families and visitors can come and go, visit, and have a good time, but no one can leave with the baby until the discharge is complete.   There’s plenty of precaution and surveillance these days meant to keep the precious new deliveries safe and out the door with the right family!
And, in just a mere 24 hours, we were in the elevator and out the door with James securing MG in her lawful and approved rear facing car seat.  Santa and his reindeer looked down from their perch above the street as we drove out of sight. Then home and into the rock & play cradle under the Christmas tree.  Emma Kate, Bomba (her other grandmother), the Elf on the Shelf, and I sat close and watched over her as she slept. We sighed and smiled and enjoyed the Hallmark moment.  Madalyn Grace was swaddled up like a Christmas present surrounded by holiday music, Christmas lights, favorite decorations, jingle bells, and her adoring family.  Peace, love, joy, and now GRACE!  And it was a good night for all!
Recipe of the Week
Date Balls
As we drove through McComb I remembered this recipe shared
by the local hospital dietitian and college friend of mine years ago.
One of DW’s favorite holiday treats.

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2 eggs
1 cup sugar
½ cup oleo
8 ounces pitted, chopped dates
2 cups Rice Krispie cereal
½ cup chopped pecans

Beat eggs in pan large enough to hold all ingredients.  Stir in sugar and dates; add oleo; whisk and cook 10 minutes.  Cool for 5 minutes.  Stir in cereal and nuts.  Roll into 1” balls.  Place coconut on a plate or in a shallow bowl.  Roll balls in coconut, covering each well.  Makes 25.  Double to make 50.