Sardis Alderman Election

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sardis runoff today to fill alderman seat

By Rupert Howell
Polls are open today in Sardis in a run-off election between Willie Stokes and Lula Palmer, both candidates for Ward 3 alderman.

The winner will fill the unexpired term of Mike Wilson who was recently elected to justice court judge.

Stokes led the non-partisan ballot Tuesday, February 15 with 29 votes to Palmer’s 24. A third candidate, Gayle Brunt, received 18 votes which threw the election to a run-off as neither candidate received more than 50 percent.

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Polls will be open today from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the city’s board of mayor and aldermen will be held in the courtroom of the James Appleton Justice Center at 6 p.m. so as not to interfere with election proceedings.