Presley Visits Board

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brandon Presley (left), public service commissioner for Mississippi’s Northern District, chats with TVEPA general manager Brad Robison and his chief of staff Thomas Adams (right) after a public hearing held Monday in Batesville. Presley spoke to county supervisors at the county courthouse then went across the tracks to attend the public hearing, where no one attended to voice opposition to a new substation. The Panolian photo by Rupert Howell

Public Service rep pays visit to board

By Billy Davis and Rupert Howell

Improving cellular phone coverage and helping the poor pay their light bill are just a few services of Mississippi’s Public Service Commission (PSC), according to Brandon Presley, who represents the state’s Northern District.

Presley appeared at Monday’s Second District meeting of Panola County supervisors, where he spoke for about 10 minutes and answered questions.

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The Northern District commissioner rattled off various services, beginning with cell phone problems, and encouraged supervisors to contact him with their concerns.

“Let us know about shortages,” he said of cell phone coverage in rural areas.

He also said monies are available to help low-income residents pay natural gas bills.

“What about propane?” asked Supervisor James Birge.

“Absolutely,” replied Presley, who went on to explain that he referred to natural gas due to his prior public service as a mayor.

Presley formerly served as mayor of Nettleton. He has served the Northern District since 2007.

Rural water issues can also be addressed to the Public Service Commission, he said.

Presley was in Batesville to attend a public hearing concerning the planned construction of a $2.6 million substation on Mill Cross Road between Highway 6 East and Brewer Road.

The substation will serve growth areas east of Batesville and well as the new GE Aviation plant. The substation has been in the planning stages since 2002, said TVEPA general manager Brad Robison.

No opposition was voiced during the meeting, which was held at the Batesville Municipal Court building.

Presley, TVEPA officials, and TVA officials attended the meeting.

The Public Service Commission can be reached at 1-800-356-6428.