Brasher Letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 20, 2009

To the editor:

As the inauguration of Mr. Obama nears, the irrational hopes of millions are riding with him. He is no lord or savior; he is an intelligent man- way over his head. To be honest, I pity him. A weaker man might say, “Take this job and shove it.” Truthfully, I wouldn’t blame him. Expectations from the masses are riding high. They will sound elitist, but we know that a large number of people living in this country are functionally illiterate- many of them are college graduates. Trust me, the Left, if not placated, will turn on this man like an angry mob.

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Now, whether you voted for him or not, he will be our president. He will be the leader of the free world, and he deserves the respect the office commands. Hopefully, those of us with a more conservative bent will offer him our prayers, support, and good will as he attempts to govern this much economically maligned nation.

Ironically, I would bet the farm that the Left will attempt to emasculate him within months of him taking office; if their fairyland agenda is not followed. European style economics and socialism will be a cataclysmic disaster for us, if this is the road we travel. At some point, I choose to believe that common sense will ultimately prevail.

As one of my parishioners said, “If we had prayed more diligently for President Bush, maybe things would have turned out different.” Her statement does ring with a certain amount of veracity.

So, whether you are Baptist, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Pentecostal or whatever, let us together strive to make this a truly ecumenical event and lift this man, his family and our nation up in prayer. May God richly bless America!


Dr. Andrew Brasher

Cornerstone Baptist Church